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24 photos
Day 356
Dziś zdjęcie z telefonu, bo w sklepie nie ma co z siebie robić sensacji. Prawda, że piękne roślinki?:) #wiosna #spring #potted #potted-plant
Day 778
My own jungle😉
#nature #afternoon #wood #sunday #house #color #tree #leaf #flower #design #wall #flowers #architecture #room #desktop #decoration #sum...
Day 48
Not My Best
Actually my roommates plant, she forgot to water it and it got no sun. I'm surprised its still alive. #nature #food #night #sunday #leaf #...
Day 326
Dotyk Boga, III / IV
- Tomaszu, a jaki kolor ma ta paprotka? - Zielony. - A ta cytryna? - Żółty. - A to jabłko? - Hmm. Czerwony. - To kto to wszystko...
Day 209
the one from balcony
#thursday #nature #evening #color #garden #leaf #bud #flower #rose #love #summer #floral #wedding #petal #beautiful #easter #bloo...
Day 506
Hollow and Empty / Dirty Ball
Said goodbye to a long time colleague today. #evening #wednesday #garden #flower #plant #flowers #pink #spring #floral #...
Day 245
Oczojebki karłowate
Nie pachną - ale walą po gałach, że Matko Boska! A w środku są te, no - prętki. =*=- Lej Mi Pół - "Prętem po jajach" (CD "Skolioza...
Day 564
Christmas Cactus
A Christmas cactus in a pot. #friday #flower #plant #pink #jar #vase #container #march #pot #potted-plant #christmas-cactus
Day 85
85/365  多肉
#portrait #friday #afternoon #fashion #women #people #face #hair #model #girlfriend #happy #lock #cute #smile #person #smiling #april #pr...
Day 474
white also blooms
in my home smell of blooming hyacinths floats in the whole house #nature #friday #night #white #garden #leaf #flower #plant #flowers...
Day 473
already blooming
in my home #thursday #nature #night #leaves #garden #flower #plant #flowers #pink #spring #purple #smell #floral #bouquet #petal #bea...
Day 146
Divided attention
A bit preoccupied with the trip to Costa Rica these days. Hard to motivate myself to shoot outside in the brown/grey ugliness of Swe...
Day 106
Home sweet home
#afternoon #tuesday #flower #plant #furniture #party #decoration #january #indoor #pot #season #vegetation #potted-plant
Day 423
violet leaves
I have no idea .... #morning #light #wednesday #leaf #flower #plant #violet #gift #december #potted #structure #hairy #potted-plant
Day 574
Photographer : Dominique (FlyteWizard) #afternoon #toy #wednesday #flower #...
Day 336
Stunning Succulent
#nature #green #evening #sunday #flower #plant #petal #pot #potted #vegetation #may #succulent #potted-plant
Day 330
We All Start Out Small
A little succulent growing at the base of a bigger succulent! #nature #food #green #evening #monday #fruit #plant #rocks #small...
Day 325
#nature #green #evening #wednesday #garden #leaf #potted #vegetation #may #potted-plant #sage #herb-plant
Day 313
Thyme for the Weekend!
My plants are lovin' this sun! #nature #friday #afternoon #food #green #plant #herb #grow #pot #thyme #april #growing #vegetati...
Day 59
Palm leafs
I love this type of palm type leaf plant. #green #evening #wednesday #plant #leafs #palm #april #potted-plant
Day 305
Beginnings of Jack's Beanstalk
#morning #thursday #nature #green #leaf #fresh #flower #plant #close #seed #organic #april #vegetation #bean #freshness...
Day 47
#nature #afternoon #light #dark #wednesday #flower #plant #art #january #background #orchid #potted-plant
Day 141
Fresh basil & mint with pots
#indoors #friday #food #green #evening #basil #leaf #flower #plant #table #concrete #organic #herb #december #healthy #ve...
Day 13
cactus - echinopsis hyrbyda
#thursday #nature #food #evening #leaf #yellow #flower #plant #december #cactus #details #season #vegetation #freshness #p...