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49 photos
Day 3,234
At last ...
The sky was clear this evening, and we had a proper sunset. I had to travel about 8 miles to get this image but I knew it would be worthwh...
Day 2,012
goodbye, weekend
#theme-sunset-or-sunrise #sunset #aftersunset
Day 2,744
Long week.
The week was very, very busy. There was a lot going on. I always left work after five in the afternoon. Crazy. When it comes to health, I d...
Day 195
#theme-sunset-or-sunrise #goldenhour #attheseaside
Day 1,975
Sunset au Creux
Day 223
I za chmurami też zachodzi...
Day 1,849
A glimpse of eveningsun
#rainy-day, #evening, #eveningsun, #flowers, #shades, #garden #theme-sunset-or-sunrise.
Day 2,725
Myślałam, że nie uda mi się wrzucić nic w temat tygodnia, bo ja zdecydowanie team wschód, a wschody są teraz o barbarzyńskiej porze. Dziś mnie słońce...
Day 2,609
Day 1,636
#dragonfly 💚
Day 2,772
... I like it ... #theme-sunset-or-sunrise
Day 306
Day 1,973
Soirée avec remorques
Day 2,702
Day 1,184
Plecami do zachodu słońca
Day 3,557
#theme-sunset-or-sunrise #port #cranes #sunset
Day 193
#theme-sunset-or-sunrise #goldenhour #aftertherain #oldtown
Day 1,635
Day 1,152
#theme-sunset-or-sunrise #high-tatras #tatra-mountains #at-sunset #my-window-view #pentacon-300mm
Day 1,280
Day 1,279
Day 3,231
Vapour trails at sunset
Been a slightly anxious day, but this looks calming to me. #theme-sunset-or-sunrise #vapour-trails
Day 1,042
#theme-sunset-or-sunrise , #cyclist, #city, #sunset, #youth, #tiredness
Day 3,138
finally I can contribute to this week's theme! #theme-sunset-or-sunrise #clouds #weather #colorful