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Weekly theme


December 6th - December 13th
212 photos from 80 users

Get closer to your subject. Really close. Capture all the details. The texture, all the imperfections, cracks, wrinkles, stains. Great opportunity to try that macro lens lying in the closet.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: ordinary day.
Day 1,467
Day 1,074
Fudge candy
Working late hours. Close-up on some sweets I found inside one of the recently delivered package must-do for today's pic. #theme-details
Day 331
Gdzie to kocie oko ?
Day 236
Day 1,251
I have birthday today. I always make a party for my friends, but this year no such things are possible. But it was great day despite all this si...
Day 257
Day 1,928
To be used for writing Christmas Cards #theme-details
Day 341
Kolejny dzień za nami. #theme-details.
Day 712
Day 1,201
Day 1,060
szkiełko i oko
Day 56
Day 1,588
prosto w górę...
Day 1,557
Endive Salad
Day 1,556
Snow on Grass
Day 149
Day 1,329
Day 567
Day 1,864
my chest of drawers
Day 273
Miechunka #theme-details
Day 1,394
Day 1,395
Løøk før the crøss
Day 344
Day 1,396