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Weekly theme


January 3rd - January 10th
263 photos from 99 users

New year, blank slate. Before we clutter 2021 with new issues and problems, let's keep it simple for a week. Minimalism is the theme for the next 7 days.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: following the lines.
Day 740
"Tout est là. Toujours. Il suffit d'ouvrir et de capter. C'est tout." Quoi de mieux qu'une goutte pour nous le démontrer ? #theme-minimalism
Day 1,504
Day 1,105
ściany, podłogo sufit i dach...
Day 1,105
Hygiene hand spray
Day 6
Molo do nieba
Day 1,471
Day 374
Day 742
Day 373
Day 1,578
Day 373
divided by a string
I have spent all day cleaning my daughter's room. When I saw the sun coming out, I managed to grab a camera. So, this is what I ha...
Day 372
Day 1,337
Day 9
Day 537
#fujian-35mm #theme-minimalism
Day 130
Day 8
Cień stolika / Shadow of the table #theme-minimalism.
Day 5
Gdyby kot ze Shreka był psem...
Day 40
Day 360
Srebrny ślad.
Day 355
Day 5
Kropla do góry nie... #theme-minimalism
Dziś byłam na samotnym spacerze, rozpoczęłam projekt taneczny i szukałam inspiracji minimalistycznych, próbują...
Day 1,618
w półśnie...
Day 6
Koniec tygodnia....i ...