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Weekly theme

Out the window

February 9th - February 16th
211 photos from 100 users

Capture the view from your your window. At home, at the office or maybe at the restaurant or even from a car (not while you driving though). Play with reflections, light and frame within a frame.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: sunset or sunsrise.
Day 42
Przy oknie
Day 361
Day 148
Shy sun
Everything is more important today. #theme-out-the-window
Day 38
Day 36
Pierwszy śnieg w tym roku
#warmia #theme-out-the-window
Day 1,036
Day 42
Day 42 - Not very unusual photo but very unusual weather these days...
Day 40
Day 480
Day 41
Przy oknie
Day 1,343
At the Temple
Day 1,626
From the bedroom ...
Day 36
W zimowy czas
Day 42
local cafe
🇬🇧 It is nice to take a winter tea break nearby. Observe people inside and outside. Besides, you don't feel lonely with the sky so promisin...
Day 823
Day 42
W pracy: DBI i zestawienia. Po pracy: przeprowadzka i rocznica! Busy day...
Day 899
Day 17
window view
Rainy grey day vol.2 #theme-out-the-window #window #rain #streetphotography
Day 758
okno na świat
#theme-out-the-window #window-to-the-world
Day 410
On the Train
Day 42
Day 1,136
Day 28
Day 147
#theme-out-the-window Guys, where do you get such beautiful photos from?! I see nothing through this rain and wind.