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38 photos from 33 people. Curated by
Day 51
Electric sky
Drugi cudowny dzień na wsi u przyjaciół, mimo burzy.
Day 917
podbój kosmosu
Efekt naszej wspólnej pracy z Nataszą 😃
Day 506
Silence & cycle
for me...
Day 181
A wonderful evening walk
Day 502
Super day ☀️☀️☀️
Day 81
Moje ulubione ostatnich dni. Spokój!
Day 1,627
grumpy ghost
I can understand him. He is living next to the highway on the acoustic insulation wall and maybe he was displaced when the highway was bu...
Day 1,392
Saturday in Cracov
First night walk in Cracov since pandemic begins.
Day 1,656
fun with droplets and dandelion (not in my garden)
Day 28
Day 2,044
Quick one along with an episode of Family Guy.
Day 68
Looking up.
Day 95
Chodnikowa faza
Day 907
Day 43
Day 132
Day 1,959
Day 1,590
Tree Swallow
It's always nice to photograph a new-to-me bird.
Day 45
Day 1,015
Day 622
Day 156
Day 3
#blue #azulejos #porto #urban
Day 1,402
Day 2,042