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Architect of imaginary people, places and things.
#2 289/365
1 streak
Day 321
321/365 Off Days ix
My cousin from is on a 10-day university break again! She's leaving on Saturday and so far it's...
Day 348
348/365 Never Together
Here's a before and after ( to see how I process my images in my recent series. (Yes, they're a...
Day 15
"Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry." - Rupi Kaur The moment when you look back to a year ago and realized you've grown. #...
Day 200
200/365 (The border between reality and fantasy)
So surprised to realized that today is day 200th! woot woot And just noticed this week's weekly theme...
Day 170
170/365 Rebirth
For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. This is not your des...
Day 110
110/365 Galatians 6:9
“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” ― Albert Camus Every season is not sp...
Day 300
300/365 L'eau et les rêves
I have this idea that I've been putting off because I'm afraid. I don't know if I can make it work. But this project is all...
Day 336
336/365 Life of a Ghost (V)
"If you blur your eyes, the streetlights become hundreds of ghosts going home." - Iain Thomas One of my all time favorite...
Day 354
354/365 Voyeur
Hi, hii!! Remember my "text messages" series? So I stumble upon this project called The Unsent Project today, which is a collection of...
Day 4
'What's a human being, then?' 'A seed.' 'A...seed?' 'An acorn that is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree.' -David Zindell, A Requ...
Day 317
317/365 Spring at Dusk
I don't know how to explain this but I saw this pink cloud that resembled angel wings while I was whipping my hair back and for...
Day 139
139/365 Rattling Cages
People only get really interesting when they start to rattle the bars of their cages. - Alain de Botton I guess, I never want t...
Day 9
When your bff is as obsessed with galaxies, he has to have one. #portrait #night #galaxy #wednesday #july #manipulation
Day 14
Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars. - Serbian Proverb Arrived Philippines safely and new environment again...
Day 145
145/365 The things we don't see
“Inside her pulses something huge, something full of longing, something unafraid.” - Anthony Doerr To dream bigger dre...
Day 280
280/365 Head in the Clouds
I love Japanese variety shows. No, not those weird sexual ones, though I've randomly caught a few of those (when I got suck...
Day 212
212/365 The calm before the storm
Such a long and eventful day! One thing though, I dropped my camera for the 2nd time today. My newly acquired remote...
Day 315
315/365 Ethereal
Okay, the previous two photos were taken on a bright sunny day and I manipulated rain on it. Today it rained so hard yet I didn't add...
Day 3
3/365 Self
A long way to go, so many things to learn and taking it a day at a time. #thursday #night #self-portrait #july
Day 21
"You should not have to rip yourself into pieces to keep others whole" - Emma Bleker Most of the time what you're doing won't please everyone a...
Day 142
142/365 To-do List
I have a hundred things to do but I can't do anything about it because I'm spending most of my day in the hospital. Plus, my comput...
Day 136
136/365 Life's Exit Door
My grandfather was rushed to the hospital early morning (he’s doing a lot better now!). He'll be staying there for a couple o...
Day 161
161/365 All Tangled Up
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. - Burton Hillis...
Day 176
176/365 Floating World 
A place of fleeting beauty and living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life. Trying to practice the Buddist philoso...