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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 1,047
Pitch Deck
I've spent another day at the office working on some client jobs and the pitch deck people have been asking me for recently. That said - I...
Day 1,181
2018 🍾 🎉
So this is it. 2017 is over. Looking forward to 2018. We have hundreds of new users joining the community today. I'll spend part of tomorrow...
Day 1,251
TIE Advanced x1
Isn't that light setup perfect for Star Wars models? More fun with red gels, led light and gray backdrop. #night #monday #technology #...
Day 1,285
I made this! 👌
In addition to waking up before sunset, I also started working out and am now on a diet. And this requires me to actually cook myself,...
Day 1,365
Thank you Switzerland! #2
Thank you for a great time! It was awesome to meet you again (and some of you for the first time). Thanks @ianprince for org...
Day 2,018
33 🎉🍰
33 🎉🍰 Now we're both 33.
Day 759
So we've been cleaning the garage again. Got rid of almost all of the cardboard boxes we had. Now we have three huge bags of plastic trash, wh...
Day 1,039
For a third time already we had "The Breakfast of Champions" organized in our town. And we had to be there, just like last year: https://too...
Day 1,154
Tried to capture flash bulb in action. I'd probably need one more ND filter to stop the light even more. But yeah, here it is. Another weekly t...
Day 1,177
Let's play
3 years ago I managed to take a photo of standing 3 controller. Few months later I took a pic of Playstati...
Day 694
Our dining room window from outside. I can't remember the last time I took part in the weekly theme challenge. #indoors #thursday #evening #hou...
Day 757
Milk & water. Part 2.
I tried different lighting setups today. This one was shot with continuos lighting. The worst part in these kind of photos is th...
Day 998
Street lamp
On my way back from a successful mission of curing munchies. Not the best pic I've ever taken, but not the worst either. Also - I'm freaki...
Day 1,163
No snow
Lots of work before rolling out the paid version of tookapic tomorrow. I still don't know if we manage to get it all working. Maybe we'll have...
Day 1,220
Never stop shooting!
Always clean your lens. I'm having a lot of fun with the gray backdrop and some continuous lighting. #friday #night #instrument #...
Day 1,238
New setup
Testing new setup in the home studio. Continuous LED light, 120cm softbox with double diffusion, and yet additionally diffused by a "naked"...
Day 1,283
I actually had to wait almost an hour for that view. But it was worth it. Watching the sunset is becoming my daily ritual. I love it. #fall #o...
Day 1,299
Offcially started the barbecue season at our place. Had few beers. And few drinks. And a hangover the next day. I think I don't like drinking...
Day 1,327
Family selfie
Tried to take a family selfie. This is the closest we got. Some of the other photos are really awesome and a great memory. The quality t...
Day 700
First selfie
He's a natural. I think it's the generation gap. I'm not the selfie fan. But, to contribute to the weekly theme - here's a selfie pic. #s...
Day 984
Back seat
With the heat pouring down from the sky it's nice to sit on the back seat with your head out. Shot some pics with unusal angles. I like this...
Day 1,076
Retake of - this time in the freezer. Turned out pretty cool. No porters for me yet. But a lager won't do any...
Day 1,230
Test shots
I found some photographers who'd style I'd like to recreate. I'd call this a test shot. Plenty of mistakes to fix, but it's a good start. N...
Day 502
One more
I've been using the Youngnuo LED lamp for the whole fake daylight series. Then, I started to work on the tutorial and realized that noone wil...