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Urszula Stachowicz Wow! What a perfect person for 1000th photo! Congrats! :)

Ian Prince Indeed! Thanks!

mathilde24 Bravissimo

Ian Prince Grazie!

Ian Prince Thanks Artur! 700 for you next!

Artur Łobocki Yuup and only 300 more for chasing your score ;)

Paweł Kadysz Thank you for having me in that awesome little studio you have. It was great meeting you! And it's an honor to be in your 1000th pic.

Ian Prince It was great seeing you too :) A bientôt!

Krzysztof Puszczyński So cool! Congratulations @Ian

Ian Prince Thanks Krzysztof!

Ewa Kudlaty Big Congratulations! Your project is wonderful!

Ian Prince Thanks Ewa, your's is one of my favorites !

Rafal Laczynski Wow! Great idea and good portrait of the father tookapic 😀 Congratulations on 1000 photos!

Ian Prince Thanks Rafal!

vera Great one!!!

Ian Prince Merci Vera :)

Nutt Congratulations! And fantastic choice!

Ian Prince Thanks Nadia.

calb Congratulations! Impressive accomplishment!

Ian Prince Thanks. Just a bit crazy :)

Ron Dadoo Bravø Ian ! 1ØØØ Phøtøs ! Pas mal ! :-))

Ian Prince Merci Patrick. Mille-quatre-cent c'est plutøt pas mal aussi ;)

Basia Congratulations!!! I am happy every day that I can see your pictures, @Paweł made it possible

Ian Prince Thanks Basia, nice to hear you like them :)

Kateli You did it !!! Bravo Ian ! Quite extraordinary !!! You're my hero !!

Ian Prince Thanks Kate!

Ian Prince Thanks Agnieszka! Still trying to catch up with you ;)

Magda Korzewska wow 1000 days this is a lot! Big congrats, please keep going posting your beautiful photos.
PS. I am happy I guess today's model.

Ian Prince It is, but you're 2/3 of the way there :) Thanks Magda, you too keep posting!

Magda Korzewska Yes I am going to keep my project but sometimes this is not as big fun as it should be. We have an agreement with Roman Czarny for at least 1000 days so I can't let him down.

Ian Prince I know what you mean and have the same kind of deal with @ultravioletka who started the same day as me...

craig Well done Ian! Loved the series and a spectacular 1000th! Congratulations!

Ian Prince Thanks Craig for you support, especially of the portrait series which was much harder than it maybe looked! :)

Gosia Congrats! I love your photos. And that 1000th one is soooo special!

Ian Prince Thanks Gosia! Yeah, it's special for me too :)

noun Trop bien! BRAVOOOOOOOO!!!! But I'm looking forward to discover the next 1000th' ! ;-)

Ian Prince Merci Anne! Heu.... un jour à la fois ;)

Viola Kuniej amazing!! thank you for noticing that this is also my 1000th photo today (as u know, we started together...) cheers! <3 <3

Ian Prince Yes, it's been quite a journey. Having such a lovely travelling compagnon makes it extra special <3<3

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Ian Prince Thanks Łukasz

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Ian Prince Thanks Agnieszka, that's nice to hear :)

Magda Parkitna Fantastic portrait. Again. Congrats!

Ian Prince Thanks Magda

Szymon Maciejczyk congrats, and yes it is special photo for 1000th :)

Ian Prince Thanks Szymon :)

Maciej Chomik The best 1000th photo on that page! Congrats! :)

Ian Prince Thanks Maciej

egzist Wow, this is the big surprise - Paweł at 1000th Pic :) Your project is great. I really enjoy your photos and I have to say that the quality of each picture is incredibly high. Quality almost impossible to keep in a every day project like this. I know it after my 2 years here. Congrats!

Ian Prince Thanks :) Yeah, you can guess how happy it made me to have the chance to photograph Pawel for my 1000th :)

Satoshi T Congratulations @Ian , Great idea for 1000th Pic! and Thank you @Paweł for keeping this awesome site!

Ian Prince Thanks Satoshi :)

Kazzi I'm just 400 behind, but I'll catch up! Wonderful shot, You know!

Ian Prince Yeah, keep trying :P Thanks!

jewels Best model EVER! So sad I could not be there with you guys!

Ian Prince Yeah, we missed you Julie :)

Ian Prince Thanks everyone for your support, it's always appreciated <3

Artur Łobocki Your support to the tookapic community is also priceless :)

Ian Prince I try my best :)

Paweł Kadysz Doesn't breaking the superstreak feel weird?

Ian Prince Yeah, especially as I had my pic ready to post at lunchtime. That said, it's kind of liberating to be able to give myself an extra 24 hours each day :)

tania Everything has been said here. Everything has been said anyway...
Bravo. You've done quite something, really. You can do something else now...

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