Satoshi T Thank you Roman ! I enjoy thinking about how express Pawel's theme every week.
Satoshi T Thank you for your observation. Almost yes... Its gate is always open so birds come in.
craig Wow that is incredible Satoshi! So ornate!
Satoshi T Thank you Craig. I believe that this is rare example of success to incorporate the essence of European architecture and our own culture.
Michael Gatton Beautiful dome and photograph, nicely framed.
Satoshi T Thank you Michael. In fact, I was taken it lying down on the floor of station:)
Hanna Gawrychowska Beautiful dome. I like sharpness and the detalis.
Satoshi T Thank you Hanna , I also like this dome's details.
Satoshi T Thank you Rohini, It is based Europian architecture , but on the blue part of each corner, There are sculpture of animal of the directions symbol.
Gabriela Jaworowska zachwycająca kopułą. ..
Gabriela Jaworowska ja również
Roman Czarny The approach to this subject although it is inspired by the truly amazing