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114 photos
Touch the mirror
Who said that the rain doesn't conduce creativity? Quick photo shooting during catching some Pokemons ;) #mirror #friday #afternoon #...
Clouds, wind, rain. But I took my keys, camera and tripod and we drove to the nearby lake in Osieczna. We were cold a little bit, but I think it...
Day 523
Wetterhorn veiled in clouds
My favourite amongst Grindelwalds backyard mountains once again. #afternoon #mountains #landscape #sunday #sky #clouds #cl...
Day 737
Lonely tree
I feel better so just took a short walk in my neighborhood. #autumn #fall #outdoors #nature #landscape #wood #sunday #tree #cold #frost #w...
The rain of colours
I'm surprised how this city changes every month. I won't recognize it soon. Here's an awesome idea on the street near the market s...
Road to the North Pole
More and more christmas lights on the streets, there was even a bit of snow today in the morning. There's is still a hope for w...
Day 553
Heavy snow
#morning #thursday #outdoors #nature #night #walk #landscape #black-and-white #dog #animal #tree #cold #winter #snow #fence #pet #bad-weath...
Day 435
RW149 E1+C3
It took me five minutes to stop the car, get to that bridge, shoot a tram and go back to the car. And it was completely worth it. I have t...
Day 375
Got it!
First lightning that I capture! So proud of myself! :D #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #light #dark #tuesday #water #rain #tree #c...
Day 306
the one from another rainy day
#nature #afternoon #apple #bird #landscape #black-and-white #light #wednesday #tree #sun #sky #flower #people #sunset #...
Day 910
Pee stop
I know, stupid title but this is how I took this pic. I was driving back from another city and I had to pull over because my bladder was almo...
Day 272
Under the weather
I don't always drink tea, but when it comes to sore throat I don't take chances - whatever works! The weather is freakin' awful late...
After work
I've spent about one hour walking and looking for a good pic. And nothing. #night #evening #landscape #long-exposure #car #road #monday #ra...
Day 1,064
The best way to show the thursday mood at office. Everybody was just focused at their work. No talking, no laughing. The weather had an bad...
Day 505
last day in Vienna
This image says it all. Todays challenge was 'how do I pass an interesting day at Vienna with taking a minimum of steps outside in...
Day 318
It is going to rain
It is going to rain, and today it's a good thing. I have a ton of stuff to do beacause of the end of the semester and today, for t...
Day 660
Main Square Panorama
Having a few days free of Bonarka made me visit my second workplace, but since there were no people to talk to (or to sell camera...
Day 654
How many more defenceless sheep will the smog devour? A little wordplay, since dragon is "smok" in polish, and You should've heard of our W...
Day 896
It's so hard
#cloudy-day #cloudy-morning #rainy-clouds #bad-weather #endless-sadness #pentacon-135mm
Long exposure
My first try with night long exposure photo. I'm not satisfied to be honest, but intensive rain didn't help. And I had a bit too small t...
Another one on the street - I'm glad of my streak. #thursday #night #evening #rain #street #lights #urban #tunnel #poznan #architecture #d...
Day 408
Two days ago I took this pic in winter wonderland This is what stayed over after 2 days of warm and rainy w...
It's raining all day, again, but you can't be afraid of rain if you want to take a good pic ;) I went for a walk to the city center, alone, an...
Day 372
horses in the rain
Horses outside the seadyke looking for eachothers protection against the pouring rain. #outdoors #friday #afternoon #rain #animal #...