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479 photos
Day 702
Large gemstone cave
Today I went to Akihabara looking for electronic parts and tools. When I had arrived Akihabara, a minerals exhibition was held. I...
Day 1,181
My bff with her son #indoors #portrait #afternoon #tuesday #son #girl #people #love #woman #boy #child #man #mother #january #one #family #se...
Day 990
Portraits #29
Merci Nicole et Maeva #portrait #afternoon #saturday #bw #son #girl #people #happiness #love #woman #monochrome #child #man #family #nyo...
Day 1,127
Back to normal
We're back to the little rebel mode. He recovered quickly and is messing around just like last week. And I can't say I didn't miss that...
Day 1,094
Goodnight kiss
Autofocus on Fuji does not work in low light conditions. Period. But obviously, I like the photo anyway. One more to go in year III. #i...
Day 175
Cień 3
#indoors #saturday #evening #art #shadow #people #painting #woman #child #room #man #battle #one #two #force #offense #mammal #adult #group #we...
Day 268
afternoon nap
#indoors #portrait #october #afternoon #saturday #dog #animal #people #one #canine #pet #puppy #cute #daylight #two #competition #lookin...
Day 545
545 Cloud Gatherer
A concept inspired by this bible verse: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we...
Day 146
Proud grandmothers
Babcia pokazuje Prababci zdjęcia Ancymonka... Chociaż zrobiłam dziś masę wspaniałych zdjęć w pięknym parku -przy idealnych warunkac...
Day 364
Wielka trójka / The big three
#portrait #saturday #evening #black-and-white #profile #people #love #woman #monochrome #man #december #one #family #sel...
Day 161
Kids ;)
Zawsze kiedy spotyka się ta dwójka ( pradziadek i prawnuczek) to oceniając pomysły, sposób zabawy i zadziorność we wzajemnym dokuczaniu nigdy...
Day 1,106
she gave me kiss from above. #portrait #afternoon #wednesday #son #people #baby #love #woman #monochrome #child #man #january #one #family #two #a...
Day 883
Le temps d'un regard
Delightful evening at my friend Nadir's photography exhibition. #portrait #thursday #music #evening #profile #people #woman #frie...
Day 894
First Dance
another wedding , another first dance... I just had to think of something creative =] #thursday #night #music #christmas #bokeh #party #bl...
Day 988
Portaits #27
Surprise visit this afternoon from @noun, @rondadoo a.k.a. @ciceron and Kiki. Extra nice surprise as I had yet to find anyone to photogra...
Day 176
Wszystko wskazuje na to, że lato w pełni 🏖️☀️ #portrait #thursday #afternoon #fun #street #son #girl #poland #people #woman #boy #child #festi...
Day 368
Cigarette after.... + song #portrait #afternoon #tuesday #son #people #woman #sadness #man #one #march #ci...
Day 701
Making of
Making of portrait session. Robert is taking photo of Ania in natural light. We need pictures for our transcripts. #indoors #portrait #octob...
Day 275
Mom and son. Love. Forever
#portrait #afternoon #sunday #son #girl #people #love #woman #child #festival #mother #mom #december #family #emotions #two...
Day 201
danone for shark
#morning #music #light #monday #water #sea #fish #people #kids #ocean #travel #boys #motion #aquarium #underwater #one #swimming #exp...
Day 1,177
I got the photo with the title ‘like mother like daughter’ where you can easily see how similar they are. Yet the mother decided it’s not for pub...
Day 483
483 Wake Up!
Inspired by a true event this day. #indoors #friday #afternoon #house #light #water #home #art #people #furniture #bed #painting #novembe...
Day 637
I needed fresh air to clear my head. I went too late for spotter place opposite Gdansk Airport. Aircrafts pictures was blurred or dull. This...
Day 145
#portrait #morning #saturday #fun #son #girl #people #happiness #love #woman #boy #child #man #two #may #friendship #adult #wear #embrace #to...