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165 photos
Helmut goes places
Meet Helmut. Helmut comes from Berlin, strictly speaking a souvenir shop in Berlin. Yesterday, he decided he finally wants to trave...
Day 29
Teddy Bear
Zdjęcie zrobione o poranku moim Heliosem 44M-4 :D Coś jest w zdjęciach robionych tego typu obiektywami :) Bez obróbki i Photoshopa. Photo t...
Day 1,142
Selling the X-T20
The E-M5 is just so much more fun to shoot. I literally smile when taking photos with it. And I don't mind the lower resolution or o...
Day 50
Teddy bear
#old #nikon #evening #sunday #toy #teddy #sunny #macro #manual #makro #teddybear #bread #fur #manual-focus #february #teddy-bear #furry #he...
Day 790
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #sunday #toy #soccer #grass #bear #kids #spring #child #field #human #leisure #teddy-bear #golf #competiti...
Day 268
we are waiting ....
teddy bears in a toyshop #afternoon #tuesday #bear #toys #shelf #teddy-bear #july #theme-toys #toyshop #shpo
Day 232
Lovely teddy bear
#portrait #outdoors #afternoon #sunday #house #toy #park #grass #girl #people #baby #kid #happiness #relaxation #woman #child #summe...
Day 334
Christmas Past
#evening #wood #monday #toy #christmas #winter #celebration #shining #snow #desktop #decoration #card #gift #christmas-tree #december #...
Day 94
{no, rządzi on}
92/365 #sunday #teddybear #boy #happy #smile #teddy-bear #cartoon #april #myboy #naszemiejscenaziemi
Day 27
#thursday #afternoon #toy #january #teddy-bear #stuffed-toy
Day 6
Mr Teddy
I got him from my father when I was about 9 and I must admit that he's one of my favourites :) #friday #afternoon #toy #soft #memories #brown...
Day 344
Here comes Santa Claus
Settings: 50 mm @ f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/50 sec., Manual mode, spot metering. #nikon #wednesday #lights #fireplace #bokeh #december...
Day 235
List gończy
USZAT MICHAŁ Data urodzenia: 17.01.1957 Pseudonim: USZATEK Poszukiwany na podstawie: Art. 286 § 1 Doprowadzenie innej osoby (człowieka, al...
Day 568
funny sunday
#outdoors #afternoon #sunday #fun #park #soccer #grass #girl #people #game #baby #boy #child #childhood #motion #one #daughter #playgroun...
Day 291
Ecce Homo
Uczłowieczanie misia - etap I: telemózgoświdrowanie. -=*=- "Tytus, Tomek i A'Tomek - Księga I" - Henryk Jerzy Chmielewski (1966) #indoors #p...
Day 3,007
Lazy bear #2
A washday. #teddy-bear #white #toy #laundry #clothes #green #thing #things #bydgoszcz
#morning #thursday #toy #animal #people #child #january #teddy-bear #mammal #vertebrate #stuffed-toy #placental
#portrait #morning #toy #tuesday #animal #eyes #january #teddy-bear #vertebrate #theme-eyes
Day 209
My first PORSCHE
at the Porsche shop. #morning #thursday #toy #red #blue #transport #people #bear #kids #childhood #teddy-bear #april #stuffed-toy #to...
Day 384
Angel bear waiting for Christmas
This little bear is one of the bear family living in my bear house (no doll house!) when I was small. One day before...
Day 765
young koala bear
#portrait #october #outdoors #nature #night #bird #monday #little #soft #animal #toys #grey #eye #fur #one #wildlife #cute #young #te...
Day 461
#461 [096]
Yes, I'm much over 30. Yes, it's mine teddy bear. And I've got it earliest in the high school, but I can't remember exactly when. My dad br...
Day 2,270
A small brabant griffon :3 #dog #small #animals #animal #teddy-bear
Day 78
W języku rosyjskim jest jeden taki zwrot, który wyjątkowo trafnie, a przy tym pięknie obrazuje przyjaźń. "Положиться на кого-то" znaczy wpr...