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NEW: You can now comment right from the homepage

We've just updated Tookapic with a cool new feature. You can now comment on a photo without having to view the photo page.

Comment from the homepage

This little window also shows 3 random comments on that photo.



Paweł Kadysz Also, the most requested feature is here. "Back to Top" button. Seriously, there was no feature you asked for more frequently. I don't know what tho think about that :P

agnieszka bladzik yes! maybe 'how could I missed it at first place'

Gogi Golzman coool ! great work pawel!

Marta Tomaszewska great! and is it possible to see description in that box also? or at least some part of description for longer ones? or even indicator that there is some text? Sometimes words put another meaning to picture and commenting without knowing it could be "funny" ;-)