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A thought about being a welcoming community

Hello everybody. We have some new users who have started a new project since the end of December. 16 to be precise. I'll save myself the trouble of listing them individually because you all know where the ‘debuts’ button is. 11 of them posted yesterday. 5 have given up or don't post daily (not counting grainy because I know he'll post again ;-) ) The ‘new’ ones have between 0* and 10 welcome messages under their start picture (I haven't counted later messages). There is obviously an unofficial welcome committee - Magda, Bartosz, myself and the official Tookapic user. I'm a bit frustrated that more of us don't spend a few minutes a day looking after our community, checking above all the pictures of the new ones (or just looking at ‘recent’ instead of ‘followed’) and leaving a like or a comment here and there. I remember that in my first days here - nota bene when the community was much bigger and it was easier to get lost - it was crucial for me to feel seen and welcome.

  • the user with 0 had the comments blocked on the first day. You can comment from day 2.

So, now I've ranted enough for today and wish everybody a lovely weekend ;-)


Dawid Kowalski Fotografia Hello! I'm one of the new ones. Welcome everybody! It is true that the welcome comments under my start picture was very kind and made me belive, that I'm really welcome here. I'm still learning to "be a part of this community" and I'll take Your advise and try to comment pictures, especially the new ones. These little things can help the growth of community :)

grainydays Grainy here 😊 Yes, will be posting more! Just need to wait for the latest roll to dry out so I can scan it 😃

Markanta Hello everyone. I'm one of the new ones too. I have similar feelings as Dawid. I am very grateful for every heart and comment. They allow me not to lose hope that as an amateur who rarely leaves home, I will fit in here 😂 Especially observing galleries that are several years old! I admire you very much and I keep my fingers crossed for myself and all debutants.

tigg Point taken.