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Weekly theme

The beauty of subtle tones

September 15th - September 22nd
2 days left
32 photos from 22 users

In many places, summer seems to be over, with fog and rain returning. These conditions create beautiful moods with subtle, muted colors. In this theme, we are looking for photos of subjects that naturally appear close to black and white – without any post-processing. You probably can discover these tones by simply looking out your window on a rainy day, taking a short walk around your neighborhood after sunset, or by paying close attention to architectural details or plants.

To participate, tag your photo with #theme-beauty-of-subtle-tones.
Day 297
Nad jeziorem już wstał piękny dzień końcówki lata.... Dobrego dnia życzę wszystkim🌞...
Day 1,357
Day 98
Day 99
#sun #landscape #theme-beauty-of-subtle-tones
Day 379
Ranny ptaszek
Spotkany dzisiaj na spacerze, nie uciekał od nas, nie odlatywał, wyglądał na chorego albo jakby miał uszkodzone skrzydła. Odskoczył mi s...
Day 262
#theme-beauty-of-subtle-tones #moon
Day 2,818
Road to nowhere.
Day 3,308
Bye Bye Holiday
For an un-edited smartphone snap out of the 'scratched' aeroplane window, I think this is pretty good! And for the last time, the Øres...