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Weekly theme


February 23rd - March 1st
103 photos from 59 users

Everything handmade. Sculpting, paiting, sewing, crocheting... maybe you even know a glass-blower, pay him a visit and take a picture.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: following the lines.
Day 289
Day 1,201
It's just how I hold my brush, the little finger on dry canvas, I hold my breath to draw a small detail ... #theme-craft
Day 1,110
Day 787
Miłe chwile, w miłym towarzystwie @owcafoto ❤️ w cudownym mieście z pięknym ciastem w kwiatki 😍 #theme-craft #cake #sweet #art-cake
Day 1,272
Zastanawiam się, czy ręcznie wygięty kapsel pochodzący z piwa kraftowego to jest już #theme-craft czy jeszcze nie.
Day 1,612
High on Painting!
Painting on the balcony railing takes time to dry, so paint high places first! I like high places! #theme-craft
Day 1,607
Painting black
After preservation, I paint woods black. In the last build, wood was damaged prematurely due to inadequate painting for the butt end of...
Day 1,965
#theme-craft not straight forward craft, but the coasters are hand made and the chair was painted by me
Day 376
Day 1,048
#embroidering #theme-craft
Day 55
Czas odkurzyć pędzle
Day 786
Codziennie, w drodze do pracy, przejeżdżam koło tego dzieła 😃😃😃 #theme-craft #graffiti-art #mural-ar #colorfully
Day 1,112
lace work
#theme-craft Obserwuj
Day 57
Day 1,559
I brought them from far east. Do not remember which country but defiitely this is for #theme-craft
Day 1,114
Day 374
Day 1,547
showing the making-of-the-photo too :-) #theme-craft
Day 775
#theme-craft #sports-trophy #half-marathon #hajnówka #personal-best
Day 916
56. Montage
Day 771
serce kibica
#theme-craft #supporter's-heart #graffiti
Day 55
Day 773
serce na patyku
#theme-craft #heart-on-stick
Day 914