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Weekly theme

Goodbye Summer

August 28th - September 4th
72 photos from 29 users

This topic was last year, but is it not as relevant today as possible? Do you already feel that autumn is almost here?

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: what it this.
Day 2,562
Rose petal
Day 1,701
Day 965
Day 1,835
"Pluie" en Velay
I thought of Magdowe passing on this road. Salutations!! #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 1,346
Lonesome Flower
Day 1,560
Day 612
Day 2,803
Yes 😃
So happy to have climbed my first 4000m mountain 😃😃😃 This taken on the way down from the Breithorn 4165m during a very brief break in the clouds...
Day 2,561
Threshing Festival
Day 964
Zatankowane do pełna... 😉
Day 1,345
Bee Happy
Day 411
Goodbye summer ;)
Day 1,707
Day 1,293
Day 2,498
just sunrise
jak cudnie obserwować przebudzenie dnia na morzem - ptasie wrzaski i słońce wychodzące zza horyzontu how wonderful to watch the day awake...
Day 2,071
Spiders web
Day 1,936
Day 610
Ptaszyska na stołach. #theme-goodbye-summer.
Day 1,344
All Washed Out
Day 2,497
w drodze do pracy
my way to work nie mogłam sie powstrzymać gdy zobaczyłam te chmury to po prostu musiałam wysiąść zrobić tę fotkę #theme-goodbye-summ...
Day 2,496
lato, lato i po lecie
#meadow #łąka #lato #summer #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 2,560
Day 2,559
Was a great day .... until our dog Hector was taken poorly this evening, and we had to have him put to sleep. #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 1,935