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Weekly theme

music of the day

August 25th - September 1st
50 photos from 23 users

Can sound be shown in a photo? Sure, think about concert photos where you can almost hear the music. This week let's focus on everything that makes sound, it could be a barking dog, the rustling forest, the roar of sea waves. Try to show it all in a way that we can hear what you hear when you take the photo.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: the devil is in the details.
Day 3,610
I'm out
when leaving by the sea, seagulls are always #theme-music-of-the-day
Day 3,195
Cowbells tinkle behind the lake A rivulet splashes into the reflecting water Feet grope over invisible ground Suddenly chattering and splashing...
Day 3,191
A distant rumble out of the darkness of the tunnel. Metal wheels rolling on the tracks, brakes squeal, doors open with a snort. Hurried footst...
Day 3,289
Oh - what a thrill for me, and anyone else interested in steam trains. This one, built in years to 2008, has had a new boiler and is being tes...
Day 2,781
A ku ku
Niedzielny, spokojny poranek, na balkonie i drzewie obok ganiają się sikorki z wróblami, małe ptaszki a robią tyle hałasu #theme-music-of-the-...
Day 3,193
On one side, a goods train rattles southwards. On the other side, thundering testosterone drives a two-wheeler. A frog quacks in between. Mrs Duc...
Day 1,661
Cleaning day
Day 2,908
doggo woof
Day 2,935
na fali...
Day 3,227
...toczy się koło za kołem...
Day 3,196
Quiet II
No more cowbells ringing after today's departure from the Alps The lake lies still and silent The marmots have gone to sleep for the night La...
Day 3,285
At the car wash
Fingers crossed for the theme .... It went to the theme. And only then I realised it was a tookapic anniversary. Bother. Started Augus...
Day 459
Day 3,194
The regional train, a melodious tenor, sings the song of the next village 
The vibraphone responds with "E♭-B-B, C-F-F, F-F-E♭" The long-dista...
Day 3,192
panel building
Far away, the river Aare and the motorway murmur in duet. Children's voices play ping-pong with their echo, someone squeals happily. Ba...
Day 2,979
blurry but i love this photo :) #theme-music-of-the-day
Day 382
Słychać coś?
Day 1,900
There is a place....
We found a lovely place to put our campingcar for the night! Only small waves, lapping waves and rustling trees, #theme-music-of-...
Day 1,052
all this hustle and bustle.
#theme-music-of-the-day, #noise, #city, #night
Day 360
Wszędzie jest muzyka
Nawet w parku można spotkać wolnostające pianino. Każdy może usiąść i zagrać to na co ma ochotę. Na szczęście jest zadaszone bo s...
Day 1,333
Szum szyn
Day 1,901
sounds of days gone by....
Today we visited the Lesjöfors Museum. There were so much forgotten - or not forgotten - things to see, to touch, to hear....
Day 2,936
tymczasem w drodze do sklepu...
Day 2,756
the sound of wind and flowing water