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Weekly theme

music of the day

August 25th - September 1st
51 photos from 24 users

Can sound be shown in a photo? Sure, think about concert photos where you can almost hear the music. This week let's focus on everything that makes sound, it could be a barking dog, the rustling forest, the roar of sea waves. Try to show it all in a way that we can hear what you hear when you take the photo.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: The beauty of subtle tones.
Day 2,756
the sound of wind and flowing water
Day 2,431
Stick treatment
No finger has been cut. #theme-music-of-the-day
Day 359
Day 1,903
On the ground
At the Östersunds flygplats (Sweden) I hear the small planes in the air, while I see this one on the ground. #theme-music-of-the-day, #a...
Day 3,287
9pm: last meeting of the day finished. Time to get out my camera - me time. Down at the local station Rewarded by the passing of this Inter...
Day 278
Dać się zaczarować muzyce w ogrodzie
Day 3,197
Quiet III
Voices of hikers reflected from the rock face Whistles of an alarmed marmot Feathers rustling through the air Bearded vulture, come back, I...
Day 3,286
Commute home from work Bridge of concrete slabs Near knocks your teeth out #theme-music-of-the-day
Day 1,902
Belltower near the old church of Älvros, Sweden. #theme-music-of-the-day, #bell-tower, #tower
Day 1,904
Tännforsen waterfalls, Sweden. Another beautifull day of our trip through Scandinavia. #theme-music-of-the-day, #waterfalls, #waterfallwalk...
Day 3,288
Day 2,435
The Dumplings
Day 267
Day 2,430
Autonomous lawn mower operator
Easy money. #theme-music-of-the-day
Day 460
Day 3,290
Bit short of photos today; we have been on a car run and the coffee stop was at a small station on a small preserved railway line. #theme-music...
Day 461
#theme-music-of-the-day #dancing
Day 1,333
Chyba jednak nie da się usłyszeć co grało, w każdym razie był to Bogusław Mec. #theme-music-of-the-day.
Day 2,476
Day 276
Wsłuchać się w drzewo
Day 383
Czy słychać "sto lat"?
Day 2,432
Stick engraving
Sounds like a dentist drill. #theme-music-of-the-day
Day 263
Day 36
Na tarasie wieczorową porą
Gorzej, że w domu szerszenie😳 #pszczoła #bee #milin-amerykański #kwiat #theme-music-of-the-day #bzzzz