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Hanna Gawrychowska It's really magic box ... especially in your hands ....

Satoshi T Thank you Hanna for your kind words.

bvphotosnap I agree with @hanna your creativity is exceptional!

Satoshi T Thank you bvphotosnap and @Kazzi !

Ron Dadoo Which handyman !

Satoshi T Its very flexible handyman Ron!

tigg It seems I am out of my depth on this site as so many users seem so devoted and technical. I am lucky if I spend 5 minutes with my camera in a day [unless I happen to be going somewhere specific of course] but you take so much care. So much effort. And not just you of course, Pawel, Jesse, Ian to name but three ... you are all so clever!

Satoshi T In fact, I am only a mechanical geek :) . I can not take photo fast like you. and especially photo as art, I don't reach their feet.

craig Superb idea! You are so creative!

Satoshi T Thank you Craig!

Michael Gatton Nice set up, and great illustration of its capabilities in the model train shot.

Satoshi T Thank you @chan . My intention is just that. Basically, I think that digital synthesis process is that it is a last resort. As much as possible, I take the picture by optical method from old time.

Mouhsine Idrissi i love the concept, i also love shooting large format.

Satoshi T Thank you @Mouhsine . Even at low resolution, if there was a low-cost large-format sensor -of the same shape as the film holder :) -, I want to resume shooting in large format using tilt and shift!.

Mouhsine Idrissi i am building a project with a large format camera, it will be nice to use a tilt shift

Satoshi T I agree @Mouhsine . you use B&W film for large format project?

Mouhsine Idrissi No I use a large forge format with tin. Tintype photography

Satoshi T Wow It's cool. It's original of instant photography!

EXIF data
Canon EOS 50D
Focal length
Shutter speed