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Mateusz Siuta Congratulations Szymon!

Magda Korzewska Fantastic, congratulations Szynom. Great achievement you should be proud of yourself! See you soon, I hope.

Szymon Bakunowicz It will pass quickly ;) Thanks and See you soon :)

jokele My congrats!

Jola Congratulations :)

noun YES!! Great! Congratulations!!

Tomasz Dolata Congratulations !!! I czekamy na następne 365 :)

Szymon Bakunowicz Będzie, już niedługo :) Dzięki :)

tania Congratulations ! Hope you're having great fun with an end of something... and the beginning of something else...

Szymon Bakunowicz Thanks :) Of course, it's special day is some way ;)

Ron Dadoo haha! congratulations! Theme appropriate for your pic!

Szymon Bakunowicz Well, Paweł had good intuition ;) Thanks :)

My Confetti Moon Woo Hoo & perfectly for the theme too 😄 Congratulations!!!

Roman Czarny Congratulations Szymon
We will wait :-)

jewels Congratulations @Szymon ! Looking forward to seeing you back with new energy and ideas :-)

jazzie Congrats! Nice candle light pic!

Szymon Bakunowicz Thanks everyone :)

egzist Congrats! And my little sugestion: don't make a break - try to reach 400 - it's nice number :D hehehe. Now it's easy, you will see :)

Szymon Bakunowicz I need some time. But "I will be back" ;) Thanks :)

Artur Łobocki Gratulacje @Szymon
Fajnie zgrałeś finałowe zdjęcie z tematem. Oby przerwa była krótka 😉

Szymon Bakunowicz Dzięki :) Zdjęcie miałem zaplanowane od dawna, Paweł dobrze trafił z tematem :D

Hanna Gawrychowska Gratulacje i powodzenia w następnym projekcie

Agnieszka Pilecka Gratulacje!!! Trzymaj się dalej !!!

Kasia Szyszko Gratulacje:)

Małgorzata Czarniakowska Gratulacje!! :) A teraz czas na nowy projekt 365. ;)

Satoshi T I was surprised with your awesome nature photos and I've enjoyed your "daily life of an IT engineer" with devices and program code photos. Gratulacje @Szymon !

Szymon Bakunowicz Thanks Satoshi, I appreciate Your opinion, it's nice that someone liked that streak photos ;) Come soon for another photos :) For sure there will be some of "daily life of an IT engineer" too ;)

Szymon Bakunowicz Thank You everyone for nice words :)

Margie Congratulations on a huge accomplishment!!!

Grace congratulations! and photo fits the theme too :D

vera Congratulations!!! Not always easy to upload every day... but not either easy to stop ;-P

Ian Prince Congratulations!

Folia Graty!! :)

Steve Karg Congratulations on completing 365 days of photos! Very nice photo for the occasion.

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