Paweł Kadysz Thanks!
Magda Korzewska Good luck! Happy b-day 4 U
Paweł Kadysz Thank you!
Ian Prince Happy birthday for tomorrow Paweł 🎂 And good luck at the hospital 🍀
Paweł Kadysz Thank you!
agnieszka bladzik all the best! seems like we all just fall apart after 30' (yep wrting from my own experiance ;p)
Paweł Kadysz I know some people that are over 60, so maybe there's still hope for us :P
Jan Buchta Best wishes and lots of nice things :)
Iwona- shadoke Najlepszego i spełnienia marzeń!
jazzie happy birthday and good luck!
Łukasz Happy birthday dude! Hope everything goes good at the hospital today!
Satoshi T Happybirthday Paweł 🎂 and good luck!
Audie Happy birthday Pawel. Good luck for surgery and recovery.
Artur Łobocki Best wishes for you man!
Rafal Laczynski Happybirthday Paweł! Good luck!