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68 photos
Day 100
Thanks Kevin, Paweł and all of you!
Finally, I success to repair my computer! and today, I reached my 100th! :) About my computer, it is thanks to the...
Day 935
Computer Circuit Board
Server control board from end of 1990's. At that time, the manufacturing workers were checking chips with blue or red ink by ha...
Day 941
Bye bye electronics week
Bye bye motherboard! #afternoon #monday #computer #electricity #power #display #technology #figure #industry #resistance #mem...
Day 996
So my oldest computer was about to go trash. I just disassemled it to take out hard drive. I lack of consistency and topic latly, not good wh...
Day 131
Ancient monument
Have been carved something in the ancient character, We can not read no longer... #morning #computer #wednesday #pattern #controller...
Day 849
What's wrong again?
Again I have issues with my computer. Maybe it's something serious problem with my graphic card or maybe I need to fully reinstall...
Day 721
I built this converter a few years ago together with my daughter #morning #saturday #computer #display #technology #macro #industry #desktop...
Day 93
Though such just turned New Year, My Computer has become worse. Since I have no update budget , I will assemble with my old parts... It's Just...
Day 321
Today My PC with LightRoom-CC does not start up. Something wrong to boot sector on hard drive... I can't access almost all pics except on cl...
Day 1,672
A little bit old technology
Although the disk interface has become SATA, there is no multi-core CPU yet, and a large toroidal coils, old-style capacit...
Day 89
Pralka z innej perspektywy
Tymczasem gdzieś w sterowniku pralki zalęgły się chochliki... #friday #evening #computer #electricity #display #technology...
Day 174
Smarter than me
I stayed all day at home. Remote work is a great thing, when you need to heal your health a little. It worked, and I ended with shooti...
Day 445
Now I need to learn about new management method of CentOS7 as server OS. I use CentOS7 on the p.s.I ha...
Day 281
Main board
#evening #computer #tuesday #display #technology #resistance #cpu #electronics #april #system #circuit #micro #motherboard #chip #semicondu...
Day 95
Broken #2
I'm trying to repair my computer. Power supply has no trouble. HDD is moving. But It doesn't start even if switch ON. Apparently somewhere i...
Day 925
#morning #saturday #computer #electricity #display #technology #industry #resistance #cpu #connection #electronics #april #circuit #moth...
Day 222
Motherboard city
#morning #friday #computer #display #technology #resistance #cpu #electronics #system #circuit #micro #motherboard #chip #semiconduct...
Day 285
graphic's card fan
#afternoon #saturday #computer #electricity #display #technology #science #industry #resistance #cpu #connection #electronics #apri...
Day 271
Hard disc
#night #computer #tuesday #display #technology #december #resistance #cpu #connection #electronics #circuit #micro #motherboard #chip #semic...
Day 628
New toys of my husband
#october #saturday #evening #computer #detail #electricity #display #technology #wire #science #industry #cpu #connection #elec...
Day 182
Portable CD player
Quite pleasant to open an old device and examine what’s in there ! #afternoon #sunday #computer #electricity #power #technology #in...
Day 592
The Old Board
The original motherboard for Stabitha. Looks all old and dusty and empty now. And smells very burny.... #evening #computer #tuesday #ele...
Day 282
#evening #computer #wednesday #electricity #display #technology #science #resistance #equipment #cpu #electronics #april #storage #circuit #mot...
Day 201
#night #monday #computer #electricity #display #technology #pc #resistance #sound #cpu #electronics #april #capacitor #circuit #micro #moth...