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Can I upload more than 1 photo a day? I have seen others do this yet when I tried just now it wouldn't let me. Any ideas?


Jesse Lind Hi Nita! Although it would be nice to upload twice a day, that is not a feature here on tookapic. Tookapic focuses on one photo a day everyday, and it helps you to pick your favorite photo from that day. As far as other people uploading twice a day, they probably did not upload the day before. Tookapic has a feature that when you miss a day you can upload the photo from the day before. Hope I helped!!

Paweł Kadysz Exactly what @Jesse says. From what I see, you still have 3 days missed, just go to the upload page drop a photo there and assign a date for it using our calendar. You can upload many photos every day, but each one needs to have an unique date assinged to it.

NitaR Thanks Pawel and Jesse.