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Just saw Fibi on Lifehacker

Keep Ants Away From Pet Food Bowls With Petroleum Jelly
Ants are smart, and if you have food lying around, chances are, they’ll find it and invite their buddies over for a feast. If your dog or cat leaves food in the bowl, deter ants with a litt...

I just opened Lifehacker, and I immediately thought, "Hey, I recognize that dog!" I hope this is good advertising for tookapic stock photos.


Ian Prince Well spotted Kevin. Nice to see the photo correctly attributed :)

The link for the curious :

Magda Korzewska Fibi is very famous. Look at Jennifer Lopez picture on the FB wall.

Ian Prince 48k shares, over 200k views, and no photo attribution!?

Magda Korzewska She is a star, she doesn't give a shit. I think Paweł should sue her. Do we have any lawyer here? :P

Satoshi T this pic of Fibi used April 2016. I do not know exactly though I remember it was not Tookapic license but CC0 license at that time...

Paweł Kadysz Fibi's pic recently appeared on a polish HBO TV show recently. She's out of control.

Ian Prince Fibi for President :)