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Line, Light or Moment

I may not be able to find the original article where I read simple advice that made a lasting impression on me. It said, to make an impactful photo, look for lines, light or a moment. It went on to explain each, but I assume these words have a powerful enough connotation to every photographer to know implicitly what it is all about.

I noticed as I looked at my first 20 or so photos posted to Tookapic that I follow this advice very closely, whether consciously or subconsciously. So yes, it made an impression.

I don't think every successful photo can (or should) be boiled down to the "line and/or light and/or moment" concept. But I think if you are looking for inspiration or a jumpstart to your photography, you can do worse that to use this mantra as a starting point.

Line, light, or moment.

Do you see those in some of the better photos on Tookapic, both yours and others?

Do you have your own mantras you go by?


ponzu It may surprise some that "color" is not on that short list. I wonder why. I was told early on when people started looking at my project that I like colors. I do, but either it's too obvious or not enough to say "go for color". I wonder if "color" would have been the fourth on that list if the author decided to expand.

A very seasoned artist friend of mine (painter and one time photographer whom I am trying to pull back in) is even more specific. He says a hot red color spot makes every photo/painting likeable. I don't think he uses "hot" in the same sense we do. In digital photography a hot spot is not a good thing.

Tomek Zimnocho No. Colour on its own will not pull the story. All three mentioned can, no matter with or without colour. It can be used to make it better, though :).
And I believe “lines” are not that obvious:)

ponzu "Lines" includes, though is not limited to, patterns. Everyone understands that patterns sell. "Line, light, moment" is just a handy mantra.