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Photo of the day

I was captured by the correspondence with @Teresa today. She wrote to me that she was so happy because for the first time on Tookapic, her photography won the title of photo of the day. I looked at her project, she has been with us 786 days. Teresa has her own recognisable style and shows her life and children beautifully. I was surprised that it was the first time.

I asked a few people how many stars they had received to get this title recently. The answers varied widely 2-7 pcs. If it takes that few people to make someone happy, I wanted to heartily encourage you to vote every day. Give out all the 5 stars you are entitled to. When do we start? Write in the comments what you think about it.


Natho I attribute stars every days 😀 and some days I don't have enough of them 😅

tookapic Well done Natho

uglyphotos Oczywiście, że przydzielam gwiazdki, a jeśli mi ich braknie, wtedy piszę taki komentarz. Chcę by było wiadome, że doceniam bardzo ♥️

tookapic Pięknie. Informacyjnie, zawsze można odebrać gwiazdę, gdy uznasz, że wolisz uhonorować kogoś innego. Odklikujesz i znowu masz do dyspozycji, oczywiście pierwszemu znika gwiazdka i nie jest liczona.

lu ⭐️

tookapic ❤️

m sky A ja myślałam że można tylko 3 😛

Magda Korzewska Na początku były 3. I punkty się dostawało za rozdanie gwiazdek.

m sky To już się poprawiam

m71 Teraz wiem od czego są gwiazdki 😅

tookapic Serca możesz rozdawać bez ograniczeń. Wpływają one na popularność fotografii. Wpadają do popularnych gdy otrzymujesz 11 serc. Inni użytkownicy nie widzą, ile masz serc i od kogo. Natomiast gwiazdy rozdajesz anonimowo, masz do dyspozycji 5 i fotografia, która uzyska najwięcej gwiazdek do godz. 23.59.59 otrzymuje tytuł Photo of the day. Ten sam użytkownik niegdyś nie otrzyma tego tytułu dzień po dniu, tak napisany jest algorytm.

jazzie How about late uploads? Can a pic I take today be the photo of the day tomorrow?
I thought it would be a nice idea to have a reminder for instance at 9pm when I didn't give away my stars yet. I am one who forgets about them very often 🫣

tookapic Jazzie not sure if this is easy to change. Changes to service needs to wait a bit.

Comment was deleted

tookapic Niestety tego nie wiemy na tą chwilę. Może mieć, w sumie nie jest trudno, żeby taka samą ilość gwiazdek miało więcej fotografii.

Teresa To be honest I, myself, wasn't aware of how exactly starts works. I'm back on tookapick after few years of break and just started posting pictures. Is there anywhere something like a guide? I was always wondering how the photo of the day was selected and now I know. Luckily now I know and can be more aware and active of hearts and stars :)

tookapic Good point let me dig in old post from Paweł to checki it and re-post it. I am sure i can find something. Happy we have disscusion about it. I think this is rewarding for everyone to receive such title. Let’s spread ❤️☀️ everyday.

tookapic I dig a little bit in old talks, not found what I was looking for but this is great guide Paweł wrote about 365 project. Please find some time to read it.

tigg It took me about 6 years to get photo of the day. I am soon to complete 8 years, and it has only happened the once.

tookapic Your photo of the day "Passenger" for me it is amazing. I wish you more.

uglyphotos What? Only once? Omg.... Why?

tigg Presumably because my photos are just not liked enough.

uglyphotos I don't think so, really... Your photos are good ♥️

tigg That is kind of you. I think I need to interact more too. Time …..

Hanna Gawrychowska 8 years you document your life day after day - it's a lot of work, emotions, effort and really breaking the streak is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you take photos every day - and you know that I follow your photos, I admire your work and I really like it

Hanna Gawrychowska and as for the photos of the day - it's really nice when you get this award but the truth is that the photo of the day is not always the best one on a given day

tigg I understand. Still slightly annoying though!

jazzie One Tookapician once spoke about likes and stars as the 'social currency' of Tookapic... It is obvious that a hand full of users get the pic of the day regularly. Often with great pics, but sometimes with relatively 'normal' pics too. No idea if these users do have the most active followers (I do have many followers, but probably not many of them are still active) or what else is going on behind the scenes.
Anyway, I'm happy that I was able to take the pic of the day twice in the last two weeks after a long period without a pic of the day or even without any stars.

tigg Think I need to invest more time looking at other journals. You get out of this life what you put in - think the loss (of steak) may actually be motivating to me.

tookapic All of us need to give away all stairs in order to have not random photos with 2-3 stars.

tigg Guilty as charged. Not sure I have ever given a star - likes by the bucket load but for some reason never felt I was in a position to give stars. Reading back that sounds so weird. Star = favourite? Again, what goes around comes around. Not received many either but that is quite fair!

uglyphotos Yes, it is strange that often the photos of the day do not stand out or are technically better than others. I don't understand why this is happening

Hanna Gawrychowska I think you understand - that's how @jazzie wrote, 'social currency'.
A simple mechanism works here - I like the author of the photo, I give a star, it is not important what photo, but who took it is important. This is a known mechanism, and of course not everyone does this

tigg Well that is kind ....

uglyphotos Pokazywałam dziś swojej córce zdjęcia dnia i zauważyliśmy, że nie każdy dzień takie zdjęcie ma, niektóre mają za to dwa i w listingu one nie są po kolei. Czy coś się popsuło? Czy to jednak ok, tyle, że ja nie znam zasad? Może to głupie pytanie, ale chciałabym wiedzieć jakie są kryteria poza tymi opisanymi wyżej i dlaczego tak się dzieje 🙂 Moje dziecko męczy pytaniem, a ja nie wiem co odpowiedzieć 🤷

tookapic Ania if I understand correctly your question is about the date of the photo. This is perfectly normal as some people add photos later (even not day or two but month) and if that photo gets the most stars, it is natural that there may not be a photo from that day. Under another date there may be more. As Marek confirmed under some post, the photo with the most stars wins. If several photos have the same number, the one that was added earlier wins. Every day around 3 o'clock in our time zone, this algorithm selects the photo of the day. The photo of the day's creation (or more under which date you add it, as not everyone works according to the design principle) does not matter, what matters is the number of stars on the day. Have I explained your concern sufficiently?

uglyphotos Hmmm, nie do końca rozumiem, bo np rzuciło mi się w oczy, że w dniu 24 sierpnia nie ma zdjęcia dnia. Potem jeszcze jeden dzień w sierpniu nie jest wytypowany. A w liście zdjęć dnia one nie są posortowane po kolei. Rozumiem, że zdjęcie dodane później niż w dniu, w którym poszukiwane jest zdjęcie dnia, tym zdjęciem być nie może i to jest ok.

tookapic This is photo of the day from 24th of August "Blue" Everyday we have new photo of the day. It is nit connected with date of the photo but the number of stars given a day before.

uglyphotos Oookej. Jakoś to przetłumaczę Henku, najwyżej powiem, że takie są zasady 😉