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Favourites and likes

I acknowledge that the algorithm of likes, favourites, popular and photo of the day is above my understanding. I know that likes are unlimited, but that there is a limit on just a few favourites that you can give on any one day. What I fail to understand is how a photo can show X likes when viewed under themes, and Y likes when viewed elsewhere. Is popular based on favourites or likes? Is photo of the day based on favourites or likes?

Forgive me as some of these questions may have been answered in a recent lively discussion.

Finally, when you look at your own entries, you can see the number of likes an entry has, but not the number of favourites. The only way is to count them in your notifications. Is there a reason for this? Would it be possible to show this as well, please?

Many thanks, as always.


tookapic Hi tigg, to be honest i would like to know right answers to all your questions. Unfortunately all those knoledge belong to Paweł.
What we know for sure that photo of the day is based on favourite. I belive that if a couple of photos get the same number, there must be other factor taken into account, probably likes, comments or speed. This I do not know, it is only my guess. Every user cm give max 5 stars per day. You can also change your mind and „unstar” photo and give it to other photo. Limit is 5. It is a pity you can not see number of stars next to your photo. Making changes in service will come but not yet.
Likes are unlimited and if you get 11 hearts your photo is in popular feed. Number of likes should be the same in all views - recent, following, popular. It is strange you have different. Are you able to make screenshot?

tigg Thank you for your reply - I have certainly learnt something. All views now say the same number of likes ...

Marek Szymczuk If two photos have the same number of favorites, the one added earlier will take precedence.

tookapic Thank you Marek, great to hear from you.

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