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Back to square one?

Are we back to square one, @JarekB? The fact that Tookapic is being left to his own devices again since two months feels like an expression of disinterest from your side and even as a a lack of respect for the work of @Magda, who has done a really good job for some time in recruiting new members and bringing back old ones, as well as giving all of us motivation and appreciation by featuring pictures on external platforms. She brought back some life and hope to this place. All this is missing at the moment. The vast majority of new members just seem to be advertising robots. To be honest, I wonder how many more times our members will go through this back and forth between hope and hopelessness for this platform. Personally, I actually feel a bit taken for a ride, but am still here because some friends are here. But actually I have built up some kind of a parallel network on Instagram, so if all systems fail here...!


120mr This is a very good question @jazzie! Thank you!

This week theme is very nice, but with retro-cars, bricks, easter, parallel, spring, motion blur, womanhood and glass no one even bothered to change the old tag. You can see in the themes that on the covers there are old photos, not the best from this year. And there were no examples for the Easter theme. Sorry, but that's just lazy.

And what about the photobooks? Is it worth to wait another 6 months? Or is it better just to order 8x2 photobooks from somewhere else?

I have a lot, I mean a lot, of hope about tookapic development, but hope isn't enough. Anyway I still have my fingers crossed for changes here...

uglyphotos I bought an annual subscription, tempted by Magda great activities, and now, well, I'm taking these photos on a whim. I feel sorry for the money spent...

crybaby Same here (of course I also don’t blame Magda, because her work was fantastic and the real problem is somewhere else)

agnieszka bladzik unfortunetly that is sad truth :( I could list all my pains here but there is no point. Overall I think it would be better if tookapic was closed when Paweł annaounced it. I got my hope back after @Magda pick it up, slowy loseing it again. The worst part is the knowledge that the owner simply do not care and cannot be bother to even read the thread.

crybaby Ja napiszę po polsku żeby dobrze wyrazić emocje. Czuję się już trochę jak obłąkaniec bo po raz jakiś 4-5 irytuje się że Tookapic został porzucony, znowu zastanawiam się „po grzyba ja tu w ogóle jeszcze jestem?”, po raz kolejny piszemy wszyscy tu na forum że jest źle, że nie ma na statku kapitana i tak dalej i tak dalej… i potem zmienia się na prawdę jakaś drobna rzecz i wszyscy się cieszymy, a potem znowu jesteśmy porzuceni, znowu ludzie (słusznie) narzekają że płacą za nie wiadomo co, i znowu jest brak odzewu z góry I ZNOWU za jakiś czas pewnie usłyszymy że teraz idą zmiany, trzeba dać szansę, i pętla zacznie swój cykl na nowo XD cytując wielkiego rodaka: „szkoda…szkoda nawet strzępić ryja”

uglyphotos Przez to wszystko to ja się nawet zraziłam do 😔

jazzie Well, we could just collect suggestions to where to move all the users who are fed up, and then do it and reconnect somewhere else. But the point is, for me at least and for some other 'old' users, that here we have more than 3000 photos plus descriptions plus sometimes kind comments in a row and personally I 'm just overwhelmed by the thought of having to move all of this. I like to have all of my stuff in one place. Leaving this place would be like throwing away old diaries.

Bartosz Ja po prostu lubię publikować tutaj swoje chwile z danego dnia, jest jak jest ale bardzo to lubię.

crybaby Tak, ja i wiele osób bardzo to lubią i jakby zapytać każdego z nas to każdy chciałby żeby to miejsce istniało i żeby było w takiej formie w jakiej było w 2016 😄 więc ja osobiście nie chciałbym żeby to wszystko zniknęło, ale z drugiej strony to co się teraz dzieje to jest jakiś smutny żart

Bartosz Tzn. po prostu mało/nic się nie dzieje, ale ja zawsze trochę na uboczu więc sobie klikam dzień po dniu.

120mr Nice said @jazzie, old diares.

Natho I do not know the owner and started almost a year ago. I like Tookapic but when I started there was only a few people left.
Magda did a fantastic job and I cannot imagine how was the app before when I see the number of followers some of you have.
If Tookapic is not looked after it will go bankrupt. Buy him out and maybe if managed by some fans it could come out of its grave.
I like it sincerely. Been lazy recently.

Maybe being able to post at whatever date a pic would show better results.
For my case there's been a lot of streaks.
I like to see the fact that you guys are mentioning the situation 😉

Voytas Jestem tu krótko więc niewiele mogę napisać..fakt, że to Magda sprawiła, że chciałem dołączyć do tookapic a teraz jest pustka bez tej pracy w socialach, tematach itd. którą Ona wykonywała każdego dnia.

Najgorsze jest jednak to, że wygląda to jakby ktoś to utrzymywał przy życiu tylko z szacunku dla Was, stałych użytkowników, którzy są tu od lat i tylko czeka aż wszyscy zrezygnujecie i będzie mógł to wyłączyć.
Trochę beznadziejna sytuacja z punktu widzenia nowych "użyszkodników".
Ale nadzieja umiera ostatnia...

jazzie When I woke up this morning I suddenly had an other, 'complementary' sight on the Tookapic problem, and since then I have been racking my brains about how to write this down 😅
Ok, the 'boss' doesn't care. And we can easily blame him for the current misery. But actually WE, the users, are Tookapic. WE are the ones who can make this a great place.
But right now it is us that are rarely commenting, hardly giving away stars, not reading captions, and, as @radzikmr wrote in an other talk, maybe we're not making Tookapic a welcoming, encouraging place for new users.
Because at a certain point we seem to have lost the awareness of the fact that a like is, or should be, a like. A reward for a good capture, a lovely idea or a technically brilliant pic. And not a social currency. There is enough social media out there with social currencies.
Back in the 'good old times' - even with more users - this was a place which was familiar and small, and we were proud of this fact and everybody was happy about having discovered Tookapic. We felt it was a hidden gem.
Maybe we don't need one 'leader' but we need to talk about how we want this place to be. What can we as a community do to make the place a good place for all of us again? Think about this.
We of course need help from the 'boss' though (thinking out loud): Some democratically selected users should have the technical possibilities of doing some administrative stuff like setting up new weekly themes or deleting publicity accounts.

Basia I was talking to friends recently and they asked why I didn't take up tookapic. They know how much this place means to me. Unfortunately I don't have that much time. I've also been thinking about this since the morning, that if there were just a few people, maybe it would be possible. Unless the problem is difficult contact with the owner tookapic

tigg Sounds like you read the blipfoto articles that I put the links to?

Comment was deleted

jazzie @tigg, no, not yet 😅

tigg I have woken early and looked at tookapic. After reading your comment above I think I have added about 10 comments. Interesting I always say to J that tookapic is different to blip; people don’t comment here. Maybe a group of us should try that - to make at least 10 comments a day? Then people reply and we all engage more.

jazzie @tigg good idea! Let's start 😉 And I'd like to encourage people to add something like 'CC' to the caption if they do also want to get constructive criticism

tigg Possibly. I would love the idea of incorporating the word ‘friendly’ in there too.

Teresa That's so true! I don't know why I never thought about this that way! We always say that place make people not technology. Personally I'll focus on commenting more. Great idea with keyword when open to feedback about photo.

Bartosz Ten is a lot, but we can try. Maybe some surveys on topics, I certainly wouldn't restore the number of likes.

Magda Korzewska What do you think about this idea? If a few people would be willing to form a volunteer group to administer and moderate Tookapic, please let me know. After I return from vacation, I will contact Jarek and present the idea to him. I will be happy to show/train people who will take up such a challenge

Bartosz Nice idea, I keep my fingers crossed that it will work

Basia I will gladly help

jazzie I can imagine to do so. But I'm not sure about the amount of work this brings with it and if I'd be able to do such administration / moderation work at a reasonable quality besides everything else I do in my life 🫣. But if we'd be enough people in this group, then I'm in!

basias Witajcie,jestem na Tookapic od 216 dni Nawet się nie zorientowałam ,że coś jest nie tak Podjęłam się projektu ,aby nauczyć się fotografii .Dużo mi daje ta platforma , Codziennie oglądam Wasze kadry z zachwytem ,uczę się od Was .Tworzycie coś fajnego , i gdyby nie Wy nie osiągnęła bym celu który sobie postawiłam 🙂dziękuję i mam nadzieję że platforma przetrwa 🙂

Mateusz Maciejuk After a half year of seeing what Tookapic looks like I think that every inch of your opinions is valuable to those owning the platform.

My personal thoughts

I'd like to see such a variety of words under many pictures of ours. Maybe I am not very open in commenting every story or streak, or daily basics that are shown. Perhaps, as already mentioned, there seems to be a problem in our lack of commitment to noticeably liven up the comments? Of course, we feel free to comment on what we find interesting. But for new users entering, it is certainly positive to see this verbal buzz, not just a sequence of photos, understandable only to the author.

Perhaps I am used to a certain type of photo gallery with intellectual ferment, greater creative effort than the 365 challenge.

But looking completely neutrally, I see that without a breakthrough, this website will continue to attract traffic of 50-80 people, accustomed to the layout and state of affairs.