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Weekly theme

little neighbors

July 28th - August 4th
62 photos from 26 users

They live all around us, sometimes it's scary to think how close they are. Spiders, beetles, bees, moths, butterflies, mosquitoes, flies and other insects. Take a macro or telephoto lens if you are afraid, look into the corner, under a leaf or at a flower. Show us this extraordinary world of small creatures.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: The beauty of subtle tones.
Day 3,260
Thunderstorm and heavy rain last night meant the slugs were out and about this morning. I suppose not so very little. #theme-little-neighbors #sl...
Day 215
Day 1,575
Japanese Beetle
Being a pest on some raspberry leaves. #theme-little-neighbors
Day 1,662
Day 3,259
The ant and the caterpillar
#theme-little-neighbors #ant #caterpillar
Day 220
#theme-little-neighbors #snail #brown
Day 1,875
Hungry little bird
#theme-little-neighbors, #bird, #feeding-birds, #animal.
Day 1,574
Day 3,110
#meadow #butterfly #green #nature #theme-little-neighbors
Day 1,874
Moth n window
There was a moth on my window. #theme-little-neighbors, #moth, #dark-sky, #blue, #evening.
Day 3,258
I chose to post this image as I found it so hard to manually focus on this little chap, who was moving around his web very quickly. I had anoth...
Day 2,404
Day 1,179
#theme-little-neighbors #bug #inthegarden
Day 1,661
Day 3,583
Day 2,449
Day 2,909
Panna Ważka...
Day 219
#theme-little-neighbors #caterpillar
Day 310
Day 247
Byle do brzegu...
#theme-little-neighbors owad za bardzo zanurzył się w jeziorze i rozpaczliwie machał odnóżkami usiłując się wzbić. Grzecznie przenio...
Day 214
…on the wall #theme-little-neighbors
Day 2,887
Day 1,573
Arrowhead Orb Weaver
Micrathena sagittata #theme-little-neighbors
Day 3,109
#meadow #butterfly #green #nature #theme-little-neighbors