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Weekly theme

Out of focus

February 6th - February 13th
117 photos from 44 users

We all try to take perfectly sharp photos every day, don't we? But what about those out of focus pics? I'm really looking forward to seeing your photos this week. Get creative!

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: old or young.
Day 2,290
Day 1,504
...niby we mgle
Day 1,734
Day 1,501
Lepiej gdy się robi ciemno...
Day 2,202
Drops #25
A grey, but nice, day. #drop #drops #rain #wet #branches #trees #tree #bydgoszcz #grey #bydgoszcz #mobile #theme-out-of-focus
Day 1,731
Day 2,681
Day 1,501
Free Orange 🍊
Day 2,262
snow structures
Day 1,141
Swaying in the Wind
Day 2,264
some snowflakes this morning #theme-out-of-focus
Day 1,844
Day 1,842
Poranna zamieć
do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #theme-out-of-focus
Day 2,296
b&w tree
Day 1,088
Day 1,845
Rowerowy detal
do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #theme-out-of-focus
Day 286
Noc na Saharze
Day 403
Takie tam z balkonu w letni zimowy poranek. #theme-out-of-focus
Day 2,594
Kiss my shoulder. #theme-out-of-focus
Day 253
#theme-out-of-focus #lights #colors #swiatelka #kolory
Day 761
Day 280
Hania nie chciała już siedzieć w domu, więc pomimo kaszlu wyszliśmy do ogrodu zagrać w piłkę. W pewnym momencie piłka wpadła w grządkę truskaw...
Day 258
Sunday #theme-out-of-focus #sky #ball #glass-ball #window-view #niebo #widok #widok-przez-okno #kula #szklana kula
Day 1,735