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Weekly theme


January 13th - January 20th
122 photos from 67 users

Maybe your new year's resolution was to read more books? Or maybe you're a bookworm and love to read? Show us what you're reading. Whether it's a book, a magazine, newspaper or an article on your tablet.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: signs of spring.
Day 382
My treasure
Skarb trzeba wydobyć, czasami, na światło dzienne :) #theme-reading #abook #oldbook #strap #texture #beautytexture #wool #no-person
Day 380
Old book
Nie wiem, jak ta książka trafiła do naszej rodziny...Jest bardzo stara z XIXw. i już dość mocno zniszczona, ale piękna :) #theme-reading #Old...
Day 705
The book gives us wings
#theme-reading #book #3white #blue
Day 706
Day 1,201
Book and Models #3
Book about the construction history of Bern–Lötschberg–Simplon railway and #model of #BLS Re4/4. #train #model-train #railway #toy-...
Day 437
Through My Eye
Day 1,558
recently I only study for an exam, so other books are out of scope for now #theme-reading (this is not my study book)
Day 723
Trudny wybór
Do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #theme-reading
Day 381
Miniature book
Kiedyś zbierałam miniaturowe książeczki i kilka z nich jeszcze zostało w mojej bibliotece :) choć trzeba do nich okulary zakładać, najl...
Day 379
I read
Dobrze jest znaleźć chwilę czasu na czytanie :) #theme-reading #book #lamp #coffee #B&W #white #black #no-person #sun #sweethome #sweethomeswee...
Day 707
Day 1,144
Newspaper Reader 2
Safe way to do things while travelling at high speed #theme-reading
Day 383
Sweet potatoes
I read always and everywhere :) #theme-reading #newspaper #food #Friday #no-person #veganism
Day 1,478
rare moments when I can read. #theme-reading
Day 368
lektury obowiązkowe
Day 380
Źródło wszystkiego...
Day 1,561
coffee universe
Day 385
Jazz Forum
- i taka muzyka mi w duszy gra :) #theme-reading #jazz #newspaper #analog-music #music #Sunday #weekend #coffee #blackcoffee
Day 1,141
#newspaper-reader #tiny-people #black-and-white #theme-reading #sitting-and-reading #man #berner-oberländer
Day 510
She's always reading
Day 1,152
little book
something for wt #theme-reading
Day 727
powinnam to zdjęcie dodać do tematu tygodnia #theme-reading bo jest wynikiem tego co aktualnie czytam, wczytuję się w rozdział o kolorze w fotog...
Day 726
old books
Day 752
I wanted to read this book for a while. I was going to buy it. Soon. Or later. And yesterday I got it as a present. I didn't expect. :D #them...