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craig So sorry to hear your sad news.

Maksym Rudek It's so sad.. I don't know such feeling but I'm sorry to hear that.

Edyta Poor you :( I hope you get better soon.

Katarzyna amazing photo...

Rafael I'm sorry for your loss.
Photo speaks ..
really great shoot

vera Sorry...

Urszula Stachowicz This photo is filled with emotions. So sorry...

Anne I'm really sorry for your lost. Photo is amazing and moving

Ace my heart aches reading this :'( i'm here for you, miga

Małgorzata Czarniakowska I'm very sorry. Exellent photo.

Satoshi T So sorry...

Margie Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear of this devastating loss. Your photo beautifully captures the feeling. May peace be with you.

Yumi Miyazaki It is sad... shadow is often interpret with fear, and darkness with a occasional hope

Romain One picture tells more then 1000 words...
Sincere condolences...

Alicja Ulanicka Great photo, it is very meaningful...

Rafał thank you for sharing your emotions with us. amazing way to commemorate a friend.

Katrina Yu Thank you so much, everyone!!!! Thank you for making this community feel like a family. Sending love and good vibes your way xxxx

jazzie I feel so sorry for you! The picture is conveying your feelings very well!

Tilda Oh I didn't see the description yesterday! An absolutely beautiful picture for a horrible event. I believe your friend would be very moved.
Keep being your enthusiastic, lovable, creative self but don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it <3

Mouhsine Idrissi I am so sorry to hear that. I am deeply touched by your the way you showed your emotions and feeling in this photo that is worth a million words. I know how hard it is to loose someone in a battle and that's why I do project that help him get over my grief. Thank you for this photograph and for these words and I am sure your friend in in a better place now knowing he left behind loving caring friend like yourself.