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View counting bug

Somehow, my two last pics reached over 1000 views in 2-3 days. Isn't it some kind of bug? I only share my pics in Twitter, so I highly doubt my profile had suddenly got so busy. :)


Satoshi T My yesterday's pic also reached over 1000 views.
@tigg discover it and taught me.
I do not share my pics in Twitter.
Yesterday, I saw other CC0 pics view counts going up.
Previously, when the tookapic has become a hot topic in the Media, pic of Darth vader is over 5000 view overnight.
I think that it is the access from the outside (bot?).

Terry Artt My views on my pic of 4 Dec had almost 800 views so I suspect there is a bug somewhere in the system. I do not share my pics on any social media.

biquette It happened to my 4th Dec photo too, I have 1023 views and I never share my photos on social media, it has to be a bug?

Aleksander Dębowski I had the same situation.

Ian Prince Maybe it's all the buzz Pavel's making ;)

Jennifer Same here, I let Pawel know a few days ago.