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365 project - side effects

I'm working on a blog post about side effects of running a photo a day project. I'm looking for ideas. I have few of my own, but I might have missed a good one. So? What side effects did you notice since you started taking daily photos?


Jennifer A whole bunch:
- paying attention to details in the world (easily the biggest one, I see beauty and intrigue everywhere now)
- becoming better at being a consistent person in general
- the project can make a great ice-breaker with people when I request a photo of them or even when I just take my picture for the day while with them.
- a new hobby/interest to learn about
- better memory, because now I can look back at my photo for a day and remember just what I was doing that day even if it's not directly related. I also have to remember to TAKE a photo every day!
- I've met so many awesome people since doing this project because the communities around this project are just SO awesome (read: everyone on tookapic)
- on a related note, chances and reasons to travel because I know people around the globe now. I really hope to be able to be part of a group meetup at some point. :)

Jule I definitely aggree with Jennifer's. I have some more that might be quite specific for me because I did my first 365 when I was 12 (I am now 15):
- Having a visual diary of me, my friends and my little cousins growing up
- Helping to get some routine into living with mental and physical illness
- Learning how to use a camera (also not on auto)

jokele I can second several of @Jennifer's points. Additionally I get more used to my tools.
- Setting up the camera for the shot. Selecting the ISO, aperture, shutter speed to get my image.
- Knowing the camera much better. The menus, buttons, etc.
- Getting more used to my lenses. Which one to use. What is the closest focusing distance of that special lens (which really nerves me, when I try to focus, but I'm too close to the object)
- My workflow in selecting the images is getting faster
- Improving my post processing skills
- Trying out something new. Getting up early for a shot. It's so cool! The light, morning fog, the silence. Without an idea for a shot, I wouldn't get up so early. Never! ;-)
- I visited some places, where I haven't been for ages, for a shot.
- It's your project - try out, whatever you like. So many things and places are photographed thousand times. But not by you :) Learning by doing.
- It trains, so you are ready, when you NEED to take an image. To hold that moment! Maybe you wont miss such moments anymore, because you are ready to use your camera and don't have to fiddle with it anymore;-)
- It's a really good feeling, when you uploaded your image for the day. You managed it again!

Artur Łobocki Everything that has been written above, and not staring at the TV every day in the morning. Instead, I carry on a daily walk with my camera.

Chris Breitigan In addition to what everyone else has mentioned above, here are some effects I've noticed/experienced:
1. I go outside more
- Taking a picture everyday has gotten me out of the house for an extra hour or so most days, weather permitting
- I explore more when I'm out too. Today for example, I walked around for over an hour. I took just over 20 pictures in that time but mostly I was just checking out the surroundings. I love to go off the walking paths and wander through the woods
2. It makes me *really* look at what I'm shooting
- Of course we look at what we shoot but because of this I noticed myself really taking in the scenery just to enjoy it. I love being outside with nature because every little thing can be great if you appreciate it
3. No excuses
- Even on those days where we end up with a quick, maybe not very good streak picture, we still took that picture. The project has helped me gain discipline. Unfortunately I haven't been able to channel it into exercising as much as I'd like but it does help me stay active like I mentioned above

That's all I can think of for now but this project has been incredibly rewarding in so many ways. Without tookapic I doubt I would be taking my photography as seriously as I do now. It has really encouraged me to learn the craft and improve myself. Thank you Pawel for creating this platform!

vera I completely agree with Jokele about the technical aspects and Jennifer about the global network created around the photo.
- I take lots of pictures ! More than before, between 15 till 150 per day... This allows me to learn much faster by doing.
- I make photos as a more active way, and I'll get the picture. I don't expect it catches my eye, but I search for it. It demands me more effort, but also more results.
- Sharing with other members of tookapic is also a great source of inspiration for new ideas. It's a great stimulation to continue and to learn new things. And a great pleasure to see wonderful photos!
- My tastes and sensitivity are highlighted.
Tookapic makes me want to develop my creativity through photo.
- It is a very rewarding activity, because the results are very practical and fast. I can easily show them to my entourage, parents, grand-parents, children, family and get their interest.
- I discovered a lot of friends who has also this passion and can share with them in another way. Now I would like to organize one day a new activity together, doing photo together. - I have also to say that Tookapic takes a lot of time...

Aaron I have a lot of little thoughts and have went through a few feelings about the consistency of my project, but then I realised that's one of my own side effects - I've learned to *let go*. Not every photo can be your best, and while it's always great to strive to improve, sometimes you can be happy with even the dodgy photos, or your attempt at some different editing that didn't quite work out right. :)