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NEW: Favorites

Sometimes when you browse photos you stumble upon an image so good that a regular "Like" is simply not enough. This kind of photos deserve more appreciation. That's why we added "Favorites".

Besides liking unlimited photos you can also add pics to favorites. You do this by clicking the golden star below the photo. But there's a catch. You can only award one star per day, so be sure to give it to your favorite photo of the day.

Need more stars per day? Premium users can award stars to 3 photos every day. If you're not a Hero, now is a good time to upgrade.

Favorites are anonymous. There is no list of people who favorited a particular photo. We want it to be genuine way of appreciation for outstandingly good photography.

Soon we will be adding rankings based on number of favorites photos received.



Nilson Menezes Very good idea!

Artur Łobocki Nice idea, specially for Hero users with those 2 extra stars.
I hope that unlimited liking will not change ;)

Paweł Kadysz There are no plans to limit liking. Unlimited likes for everyone!

Magda Korzewska How nice! Let's check how it works :)

Paweł Kadysz It works, but there is no visible effect right now. There will be, once we add "Most starred photos". But for that we need at least few hundred stars given away ;)

Magda Korzewska Let's start than :) If by any chance my picture gets star, I will be able to see it?

Paweł Kadysz As a notification, but it will be anonymous, just like when "Somebody" purchases your photo.

Magda Korzewska what about in "my account" and "top photo" for Hero as well? Sorry to be so demanding :)

Paweł Kadysz You will get a chart with number of stars received every day. Top starred photos should also appear in the last column on Account page. Not today, and probably not tomorrow either, but very soon.

Magda Korzewska Just to let you know on ios app I could see today who purchases my photo. If it should not be like that please have a look at it.

agnieszka bladzik will there be separate place to see what i've marked as favourite? as when i see what i've marked as liked?

Paweł Kadysz Yes. Coming very soon.

Satoshi T Now I can see my favorite pics on Photos-Favorites page.
On the other hand, can I check which pic I got other members favorite?

Gogi Golzman what a great idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bomba I think is very interesting option if you can use that only one time per day! I'm so impressed how tookapic is developed all the time!

Satoshi T Oh nice idea and implementation! And Help is already equipped : , dobre! :)

agnieszka bladzik in one hand it is good idea, in other i'm worried it will be demotivating for some people who will not get any star

Paweł Kadysz I hope that it will be the other way around. That getting a star will actually motivate people. It's something between getting a like and getting your photo featured.

vera I hope it won't be a source of frustration for some people who will not get any star... in an other side it will be very nice for people who don't have many likes and make very good photos to receive one star or more! I think it's a super idea! When I like some photos I'm WOW! And it will be fantastic to be able to give a star! Thanks Pawel for developing Tookapic with new ideas!!!

Magda Korzewska I am happy to be able to give star to awesome photo. If I do not receive any star it means that I do not work hard enough on my project. It is great motivation. I am happy to come back to different photo I saw last 600 days and award them with star.

Margie Such a nice idea!

vera I can give only one star per day from now? Or per date and I can give stars retroactivly? I mean if I want to give a star for a photo made 10 days ago, and another one for a picture made 5 days ago, is it possible? I don't know if I'm clear...

vividcolourfabric Yup, you can do it. It counts as a day you awarded a photo.

Paweł Kadysz You can give one star per day (or 3 if you're a Hero). Doesn't matter if you award the star to a photo taken today or 3 months ago.

vera Ok thank you! I can give a star no matter what day was taken the pic... and as hero 3 stars per day!

Aga Ka Great idea, thanks Pawel. I understand why people are happy to be able to give away 3 stars a day instead of one, but personally I like the idea of one star a day even more, I think. I mean today (tbh I noticed only today the favorites but thats me :P ) I see quite a lot photos I like and I have a few candidates for the golden star... and I like the difficulty in the decision-making process, if you know what I mean.

Paweł Kadysz Super Heroes now have 5 stars a day.

Nutt Thanks so much, @Paweł ! I love the stars, that little extra when you really like a picture - and getting one is such a buzz!

Marcin K. Message "X hours until your stars refill" does a great job too.

Chen YiZhou Great idea!

Magda Korzewska @Paweł sorry to be demanding but would be good to add top starred photo to our statistic, is it still in popeline?

Paweł Kadysz I am working on new stats. I'm stuck at the moment though.

Magda Korzewska Good to know, take your time :)

agnieszka bladzik also i would rather see gallery of photos of the day instead of featured ones

Magda Korzewska But why instead of? I would be happy to have it both.

agnieszka bladzik if I see featured photo once per month and then 3 at the time, or now photo from 6 months ago it does not make much sens for me. also this is Pawel personal pick so if you have galleries now it's just like one gallery made more visible then others. maybe it would make sens if it was regular - weekly? picked up from photos of the day or sth. I just see one style there for quite some time

Magda Korzewska IMHO Paweł is the only person to choose the pictures for featured gallery and I am very happy he is doing it. When I joined tookapic this was a great inspiration for me and find people I want to follow. I agree this gallery could be updated more frequently but on the other hand I prefer well picked photo than just "must" once a week. I find this gallery very varied from portrait, landscapes, street photography, to minimal and macro. Photos of the day depends on the time of the day you upload it and numer of followers more and more. What I noticed lately, my 2 photos got the most star just because I upload it in the morning. When you upload it in the evening than stars are split by 2 days. If Paweł still has a plan to make gallery from the most starred pictures I would recommend to not only pictures of the day but some different algorithm.

Krzysztof Baczyński I do not understand. When I wrote that I consider my photos to be weak because I do not have the right amount of positive ratings (likes) I learned that this is not the point. When I wrote that I do not mean the number of likes only for constructive criticism - what is wrong in the picture (time, diaphragm, timbre, irradiation) which I throw in - nothing at all. Now I see that we are entering the time of "stars" about which I also mentioned (star tookapic). Interesting. We do not learn to take better pictures, we only raise the number of likes (apparently, the time of stars is not enough now)? After all, the number of likes is adequate to the number of friends and own ratings of other photos, not the quality / level of photos ...

Nie rozumiem. Gdy pisałem że moje zdjęcia uważam za słabe bo nie mają odpowiedniej ilości pozytywnych ocen (polubień) dowiedziałem się że to nie o to chodzi. Gdy pisałem że nie chodzi mi o ilość polubień tylko o konstruktywną krytykę - co złe jest w zdjęciu ( czas, przesłony, barwa, naświetlanie) które wrzucam - nic żadnego odzewu. Teraz widzę że wchodzimy w czas "gwiazd" o których też wspominałem (gwiazd tookapic) . Ciekawe. Nie uczymy się robić lepszych zdjęć tylko podbijamy sobie ilość polubień (widocznie polubień nie wystarcza teraz czas gwiazd) ? Wszak ilość polubień jest adekwatna do ilości znajomych oraz własnych ocen innych zdjęć a nie jakości / poziomu zdjęć...

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Magda Korzewska @Krzysztof stars/favourites was introduced more than half year ago so I think there is no point to disscuss it again, just look at the top of this thread. People liked the idea of giving extra appreciation to some photos. Comming back to this talk is just a kind reminder to Paweł to give us some more out of it.

Damian Cichy Im love it!