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BETA: Find users from your city

This is in beta right now (only available for Hero users). Simply go to Users page and enter your city name. It should display everyone in that location (only if they entered their location in their profile).

If you are a Hero but it doesn't work for you - go to your Account Settings, turn on "Test beta features" option and save the settings.

If you're not a Hero yet... What are you waiting for?


Satoshi T I know it is BETA now. But I report the current situation. About 10 hours ago, I told with @Marek and once I could access Users page -It's Awesome!-, but now I can not access Users page. ('404 error' occurred). My 'Test beta features' setting is ON.

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Rafał Bolko Same thing with me ...

Marek Szymczuk Sorry! Fixed. :P

Satoshi T Dobre! 👏

Kazzi Awesome idea!

noun Great!