Hello Everyone,
Yes, that was a long while without the update. Things go slower than I expected.
Anyway, short, with a bullet list:
We will focus on more traffic (nothing new), but parallel to that, or after a while, I need to find a developer for changes in the Tookapic application. It will not be a simple task, and it will take time.
And no, I don't have the will to sell Tookapic.
Natho Thank you for the update
uglyphotos Cześć! Jak chcecie zatrzymać użytkowników tutaj? Jak zachęcić nowych? To miejsce umiera...
Krzysztof Puszczyński Bardzo chciałbym wrócić na tookapic, bo bez niego trochę brak mi motywacji do codziennej fotografii, ale w obecnej sytuacji kompletnie nie widzę sensu. Kolejne tłumaczenia, kolejne obietnice, a nic się nie zmienia. Smutne jest to, że @Paweł mimo ogromnych starań poległ w wyborze nowego właściciela :(
@JarekB masz świetne narzędzie do promocji swojego biznesu i budowania sieci lojalnych klientów, jednak swoim postępowanie zniechęcasz do zakupów na cyfrowe.pl.
I know, I know. In a few days there will be an article about Tookapic on cyfrowe.pl blog + newslettera to our database. Unfortunately only people from Poland.
What's more, tomorrow start a new person - user 'tookapic' - as a part time Tookapic member. She will take care of weekly themes and social media. Later maybe some administrative tasks.
Krzysztof Puszczyński OK, you got me!. I took advantage of the discount and I'm back. I hope the site will come back to life as before. :)
tookapic @Krzysztof good to see your beautiful feed again.
Ian Prince Great to see you back Krzysztof! Already hungry for your fabulous food photography!
Krzysztof Puszczyński Thank you @Ian it's good to be back :)
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mgrzeca Hi @JarekB and Everyone. I'm a Ruby on Rails developer with 15+ years of experience and I'd be happy to contribute to the development of Tookapic. Drop me a DM, I'm sure we can work something out.