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Weekly theme

less means more

July 14th - July 21st
67 photos from 31 users

In today's world we have too much of everything, maybe that's why we like minimalism in photos so much, which can be seen by how often such photos are the photos of the day. Such photos are stronger in reception, they evoke emotions more easily, maximum feelings with a minimum of form. So let's practice. Try to remove distracting elements from the frame, show us one element, character or object. Find large, smooth surfaces and uniform spaces, simple shapes.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: Yellow 😊.
Day 1,608
Sunset on desert
Day 18 - I never thought I would say this, but I needed time to rest from the "vacation" The time before my travel was very intense,...
Day 1,293
Koń się uśmiał
Konie, zdaniem Śmierci, nie powinny się uśmiechać. Koń, który się uśmiecha, z pewnością coś knuje. Terry Pratchett, Wiedźmikołaj #theme...
Day 1,563
High Voltage
#theme-less-means-more #power-lines #towers #infrastructure #electric
Day 1,649
Day 1,612
Day 22 - oh, what beautiful green hills this country has #green #hills #tiny-people #theme-less-means-more #stairs
Day 2,622
Day 2,619
Day 2,896
drobne błyski...
Day 1,562
On Top of The Whirled
Sculpture by Mike Roig. Statesville, NC #theme-less-means-more. #sculpture #metal #abstract #public-art
Day 3,157
#butterfly #meadow #summer #summertime #theme-less-means-more
Day 2,893
pusta główka...
Day 2,734
W wakacje postanowiłam zamienić flamastry na farby 🙈 #theme-less-means-more #art #painting #paintbrush
Day 3,150
lovely journey
...over fjells, along lakes and rivers and in the end along the Hardangerfjord #theme-less-means-more #landscape #norway #fjell #mounta...
Day 207
Day 3,245
One vase becomes three
Day 3,182
the tower
Day 1,984
Less people
Day 1,167
#theme-less-means-more #verbena #flower #inthegarden
Day 3,151
showing less
#theme-less-means-more #waterfall #wet #water #rocks
Day 2,895
z miętą proszę...
Day 2,716
Day 1,166
#theme-less-means-more #moon #night-sky #pentacon-300mm
Day 2,733
#theme-less-means-more #nature #flower
Day 3,149
We first thought that a seagull was flying alongside with our highspeed ferry at about 60 to 70 kmh, but then realised that it was an other bir...