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Weekly theme


March 27th - April 3rd
141 photos from 45 users

Spring is here for good. So let's celebrate end of winter season with a Vernal weekly theme. Take photos of anything that brings spring to mind. Flowers, trees, ladybugs, maybe clear sky.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: ordinary day.
Day 511
Spring 2
Day 1,599
Day 1,191
Full Bloom
Day 2,347
Day 2,346
wiosna połaskotała mnie w głowę
Day 2,314
cherry blossom
Compare to this! #theme-vernal
Day 810
Day 1,878
tajemnica wiosny
Day 2,732
spring at home
Day 2,251
Forest #38
A tiny white flower. #forest #nature #flower #spring #theme-vernal
Day 1,140
Day 2,036
rok temu wyglądało to nieco inaczej... #theme-vernal
Day 1,738
Day 73
a nie, prima aprilis 😂😂😂
Day 1,895
do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #theme-vernal
Day 2,406
Magnolia petals with hailstones
On April 1st #theme-vernal
Day 1,552
Is it Spring?
To był zaskakujący poranek. Nie miałam w planie wstawać, po nocnym oglądaniu tenisa, ale świat wzywał 😁 i to jaki świat? #theme-vernal #...
Day 1,782
Day 2,313
theme vernal?!
Day 809
Day 305
>Prima Aprilis<
The first day of April greeted us with snow. Good joke Spring! ;) #theme-vernal #spring #snow #forsythia #flowers #wiosna #snieg #kwia...
Day 516
Day 1,838