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Feedback for Constructive Criticism List

For my photography club, composing a top 10 list of constructive critical comments. Any suggestions?

  1. No clear subject.
  2. Not close enough to subject.
  3. Too close to subject – no context.
  4. Flat – no depth or separation of subject from background.
  5. Cluttered or visually busy in distracting way – subject gets lost.
  6. Bad light (depending on effect you are going for). a. Too much contrast b. Blown highlights c. Blocked up shadows d. Flat light with little contrast
  7. Color clash or colors that compete for attention
  8. Weak composition
  9. Everyday perspective – try a different angle.
  10. Gimmicky filter effect.

Michael Gatton PS - This list comes from looking critically at my own work - I've made all of these mistakes many times...

tania 11. Slanting horizon

Bridget Braun I'm so guilty of this, I always have to fix my horizons in post. Drives me nuts.

tigg I try and follow the 'spirit level' in the viewfinder, but even than I go up on the right. Frustrating.

Grace I know right? it always seems off. I always seem to have to fix this in post too

agnieszka bladzik no matter how much I try I always need some fix, maybe 1/100 is ok ;)

Kazzi it's kind of comforting that so many people have same problems ;)

jewels 12. Distracting element (not busy, but one element out of place and visually distracting). These usually happen in the corners ;-) (I should know, I've made that mistake countless times)

Bridget Braun Great one.

anjin I think this is not adequate for street photo ...Imho

VIVID EXPOSURE 13. White balance blow-out, so much light not a clear focal point... Hope this helps!! :)

Michael Gatton Excellent points.

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jazzie 14. Good point I think. But I saw this effect so many times here and wondered if some people like this effect and do it on purpose - maybe I missed a trend?! In my eyes it's in most cases a postprocess mistake and ugly...

Michael Gatton I plead guilty on a lot of my pics. I often don't see the problem until the next day and realize I should have dialed it back a bit.

NatZ Just found this! I would have loved to see it earlier.