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Public likes counter

OK, let me be frank... I miss "public likes counter" feature. On the other hand, I fully understand the idea standing behind hiding all likes but those belonging to the author.

And I have a conciliatory idea: Anyone who wants to see likes at other profiles, agrees on showing likes at this own profiles to the world - and gains the view on the "likes counter" of people doing the same. Elegant and simple solution, similar to the one seen IIRC once upon a time at Two voluntary groups of users, not interfering with each other.


Krzysztof Maciejewski Same here... I think that this gamification element has been somewhat omitted and neglected. That's right, not everyone needs it, but some people do. In addition, I miss easy access to photos of my favorite photographers...

Satoshi T Please let me be Frank.
Indeed, the new Tookapic has become a simple and beautiful interface. I show respect for what you made from scratch.

But at the same time, as @Krzysztof says, elements of game play (Place map, Search by colors ... etc), the relationships of people and the elements of competition (graphs, scores, biggest fans... ) , element of geek (popular cameras and photographs taken with them) were what I was very attracted to ....

In short, I feel like it has become a bit too simple and too serious...

Paweł Kadysz Badges are coming (it'll be a mix of points/levels and achievements) so the gamification factor will be back. As for "secret" likes, I will consider adding an option to turn those off in preferences.

Krzysztof Maciejewski I don't know why, but I have also feeling that giving (and getting) likes is somehow more difficult. This may actually weaken social links...

Paweł Kadysz There's no "crowd" effect. If a photo has many likes - means I should like it too. But I don't think it's a bad thing. I click "like" on fewer photos now, but I'm not influenced by the number of likes it already got.

jokele I don't miss the public likes but I second every sentence @Satoshi wrote. So much is gone and I get the feeling of 'fire and forget'. Take your photo upload it here and tomorrow is a new day. Additionally it's a real pain browsing through photos with a big screen. When I scroll through a page there are several columns with images. But just one is filled with new images - about 20 images in one column. I have to scroll to the end of that image column to get the other columns filled as well. I've already added a bug report. But the thing is, I don't like to browse through any photos here anymore. It works with mobile devices, but not with my big screen.
I wanted to give the new tookapic a chance, but there is so much gone I've used a lot, I'm not happy with it.

Paweł Kadysz Can you tell me exactly what is gone and you miss it?

Krzysztof Maciejewski But it depends on us whether we succumb to the herd instinct. However, after all, we are all social animals. In my opinion new Tookapic looks great, obviously it was fantastic work, but... The site has gained a lot, when it's about self-improvement, but it has lost its social function.

jokele Pawel, I've just sent you a private message so I don't move this thread in another direction.

Hanna Gawrychowska I have the same opinion as @Satoshi - the joy of fun is gone.

Paweł Kadysz I'm sorry you feel that way. What is missing exactly? The service was in beta state for few weeks and no-one from beta testers mentioned that. I believe you had access to the beta version as well.

Hanna Gawrychowska Paweł
przepraszam ale odpowiem w języku ojczystym
wersja beta była dla mnie dostępna ale umknęło mi, że nie widzę like'ów u innych osób a o statystykach miałam nadzieję, że w wersji ostatecznej będą - wykresy, fani itd. Brakuje mi kolorów (obwódek).
Moje życie codzienne jest strasznie poważne, wręcz do znudzenia poważne, a tookapic był i mam nadzieję, że nadal będzie takim jasnym promykiem dającym odprężenie po całym dniu wypełnionym obowiązkami .
Nie ukrywam, że chcę widzieć ile like'ów otrzymują wszystkie zdjęcia - potrafię odróżnić kiedy ilość wynika z sympatii znajomych a kiedy z jakości zdjęcia - ale i te i te like'i są istotne i dają wiedzę o zdjęciach i ich autorach.
Chcę wiedzieć kto najczęściej daje like moim zdjęciom, bez względu na to czy to z sympatii czy dlatego, że uznaje je za tego wartee - oba powody są istotne .
Jednym z celów Tookapic jest rozwój umiejętności - dużo łatwiej uczyć się przez zabawę, dużo łatwiej ocenić siebie widząc jaki inni oceniają nie tylko twoje zdjęcie ale także zdjęcia pozostałych użytkowników.
Konkurencja, gra i zabawa nie jest niczym złym, nie jest niczym godnym potępienia. W życiu warto nauczyć się nie tylko wygrywać ale przede wszystkim przegrywać a najważniejsze to znaleźć swoje miejsce w szeregu - wspaniale gdy takie poszukiwania są elementem zabawy. Bo hobby to zabawa. I nie jest ważne czy ktoś ma więcej like'ów ode mnie ważne jest, że to mnie czegoś uczy i bawi. Paweł przywróć kilka starych funkcji, które były właśnie elementem zabawy.

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