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No photos

Do you also have this problem on website where you can't see any photos? @JarekB can you help?


Magda Korzewska I have sent message vie help button already.

Basia I thought it was just my internet problem. I sent a message too vie help button

monkas In the morning I also thought that I had some problem with the Internet again

monkas I can only see my photos and photos of other users but from previous weeks, unfortunately I can't see today's photos or photos added as examples to the topic of the week

myno Me to...

Urszula Stachowicz Same here 🙋🏻‍♀️

120mr I also don't see quite a few of your profile pictures too.

JarekB Yep, There is a problem. I don't know yep where it came from. Working on it.

Lido Jarku, trzymam kciuki za Twoją pracę, obyś jak najszybciej rozwiązał ten ważny dla nas wszystkich problem.

JarekB Can everyone check now? I think it comes back slowly to life... I see everything. But I am not totally sure about the core of the problem...

120mr Still no pics and avatars.

Basia I still can't see photos

JarekB Very strange behaviour of CDN network. I see all the photos on my Chrome, but I don't see photos on my Edge web browser....

Basia nie widzę zdjęć w przeglądarce na telefonie, na laptopie nie widać ani w Chrome, ani w Firefox

JarekB Okay, I know what it is. A skeleton in the closet from Pawel (I mean, he didn't tell me about it). There is a separate security certificate for the domain, which serves the photos... It expired yesterday, so today, the 1st of July, we have a problem. We don't have this problem with as it is handled, but I wasn't aware of the separate certificate. Usually you buy certificate for *

Basia uff, bo już myślałam, że to ja popsułam tookapic, nie tylko dla mnie byłam pierwszą podejrzaną z nowym tematem tygodnia

jazzie I thought I had ruined Tookapic too 😅

Basia 🤭😅

JarekB TEMPORARY WORKAROUND until I solve it with the certificate.
1. open your browser
2. go to this URL, this is one photo from Tookapic
3. Web browser should ask you if you want to proceed as it is not safe. Please go, click advanced, proceed to
4. Then you should see the picture
5. open a new tab in your browser and go to
6. you should see the photos until you close the web browser

Basia działa :)

Lido Zadziałało 👍

lu U mnie niestety nie działa :(
Mało tego od jakiegoś czasu mam problem z dodawaniem zdjęć jeśli mam otwarte dwie karty w przeglądarce, albo trochę gorszy zasięg.
Chodzę z uniesionym telefonem jak na starych filmach szukając pola... 🫣,
Przy czym wszystko inne w telefonie ładuje się bez problemu....

Voytas I have a same story…part is visible, part no :(

JarekB The situation should be normal again. Sorry for the troubles. In reality, Pawel passes the information about that but we failed internally with some communication/technical automation.
What we did not received is the architecture of the website/application and we are still exploring it.

lu I mi już działa 😁

uglyphotos U mnie wszystko działa, dziękuję!

jazzie Thank you for solving the problem so quickly! :-)

Voytas Już jest OK. Dzięki.