How are you dealing with backup your photos? I'm struggling now with almost full HDD and one external disc. I looking for some NAS solutions. Are you using this kind of backup? Which brand did you recommend? QNAP, Synology or another? v
Marta Tomaszewska Just in this very moment I'm uploading "exported" version of my photos on OneDrive which I've bought recently with Office 365. This thread made me to finally do it :D
Michał It's a good one but not enough for me. Right now I have almost 900 GB photos and movies.
Ian Prince A NAS solution, with some kind of offsite copy is probably the best way to go. You might want to look at this old Talk:
Margie Two external hard drives. One plugged in all the time and the other I am doing once a month and then disconnecting right after it loads up and store in another area of my home. In case of power surge or surprisingly theft - I got burgled last year and they were after my computer and external hard drive but too many cords I think :)) - so I should be safe unless like Marta says a house fire.
Daniel Zaleski I have my own experience with Synology only and can really recommend it. Easy to use, reliable, plenty of options, good integration with 3rd party cloud storage services.
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Marta Tomaszewska I have Synology with RAID 1. But sometimes I even think about some cloud solution. In the case I have house on fire (hopefully not!), the fact I have 3 copies of data won't help. But I'll rather upload only final versions, right now I have over 2TB of "master copies" (video also) and it's hard to handle ;-)