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Do you edit tags?

I try to edit the automatic tags. They are helpful, but sometimes misleading, eg. photo of a crow got tag "#pigeon"


agnieszka bladzik i try to add as many as possible of my own tags, but I don't correct autotag; sometimes it's funny so maybe i should start. after all when i'm looking for some photos I see many incorrect tags

Satoshi T I also attach as many tags as possible before uploading photos. Even if the Auto tag add a little strange tags, I do not modify them. I am enjoying it.

Shawn Yes! If I'm in a hurry I skip tagging, and fix later. I only change the ones that are really way off. Overall, I love auto tags.

Paweł Kadysz The autotagging is mostly for stock photos. For AI it's pretty accurate. There are some weird tags being added sometimes. I don't edit them personally.

We will however dropping autotagging in the upcoming new version of Tookapic...

Kazzi we will BE dropping or we will drop / ANOTHER NEW VERSION!? Where is a sneak peek like the one last time with upload photo animation? It was SO AWESOME!

Paweł Kadysz This is the only preview we have: "Twokapic" but be patient @Kazzi - new stuff will be revealed soon.

jenth23 I like the automatic tagging. Saves time, I only have to add one or two tags and that only if I have time.

Kazzi seen it, but can't wait anyway

tigg The other side of this is, of course, how often do you actually use tags? How often do you search for a particular subject through the tagging feature?

agnieszka bladzik i think it's important for stock photos, if you actually want to sell something people need to find it.

tigg Do you think anybody ever sells something through this site, then?

agnieszka bladzik yes, i do, there are few people here with $ next to the name, you get it after selling i think 10 photos.

Paweł Kadysz Of course, actually, current balance of users' earnings is ~$3,500

tigg Wow! That is amazing. I guess I assumed most were here for their own personal challenge, Also assumed that to earn money - however small - with your photography your standard needs to be so very, very high; like one in a million. Bad english here, but I hope you get my understanding ..