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Tookapic monthly update 2022.10

Dear Community, As good communication is a key factor, and it wasn't well a few last months, I am starting the monthly routine to drop a few words about where we are with Tookapic.

  • tookapic working group was set up last month
  • we have 3 people (plus myself) involved in free
  • unfortunately, we had a delay as one has resigned from work in our company and we needed a replacement (There were some turbulences with the quality of the weekly theme because of that... we will improve)
  • we want to start by asking you (separate Talks topic will follow) what you expect from tookapic / what to improve at first

Stay tuned.


radzikmr Great news.

uglyphotos Ok, mam nadzieję, że będzie coraz lepiej, bo to miejsce uzależnia i byłoby okropnie źle, gdyby ten potencjał został zmarnowany. Czekam z niecierpliwością na newsy.

Teresa Good news, thanks for updating and can't wait for more.

120mr Thanks for the info! @agnieszka wrote something about 8th b-day and marketing. I know, tookapic is already 8 years old, but it seems like a good starting point. Do you have any plans connected with it? I don't know, like ads/event/special offers/blog post/anything.

120mr Any thougths @JarekB ?

JarekB I am sorry @120mr, I missed you comment. When is Tookapic's birthday? Which month? It would be a great occasion to start new marketing communication, if we make it to prepare all.

Hanna Gawrychowska urodziny chyba już minęły wraz z 8 rokiem Agnieszki

120mr Yes! I've clearly written that tookapic is already 8 years old. And Agnieszka wrote about it in answer for your comment here So you've missed not only my comment...

agnieszka bladzik October 9th ...

Magda Korzewska Sounds promising. Looking forward to a new chapter.

120mr But only sounds...

Magda Korzewska Tookapic is a peanut in total company so noone is taking care about it unfortunately. Have you got any mail after the one in september 2021 that Tookapic will be closed? Still FB and IG is dead. Searching 365 photo projects on Google gives No result of Tookapic. Even terms of use is still under Paweł’s company. Another month passed with any improvment Big respect to all of you for keeping the strike.

JarekB There is a serious reason that you didn't get any emailing. But that is another story.
Good point about searching for phrase '365 photo project'.

Can you tell more about "terms of use is still under Pawel's company"? Where exactly? As I cannot find it.

120mr :/ No, no mails and I get respond for maybe a half of my comments.

Magda Korzewska I should say Paweł's adress not name. Look at bottom of the page. There is Terms of use. Adress is still Białystok. As far as I know it is now Gdańsk, isn't it?

crybaby Myślę, że ludzie którzy tu zostali, są bardzo wyrozumiali i pełni optymizmu, o ile im się ten optymizm podtrzymuje i daje realną nadzieję na przyszłość. Także super pomysł! :)

agnieszka bladzik no wlasnie mi brakuje chociazby komunikacji, ale dwustronnej. to juz przynajmniej druga wypowiedz, w ktorej czytam ze planujecie zapytac uzytkownikow, ale nie pojawia sie zadna ankieta, zaden dedykowany watek, co gorzej nie ma tez odpowiedzi z waszej strony (albo pojawia sie cos po wielu dniach) w tym watku ani nawet w watkach w ktrych ludzie zglaszaja jakies problemy lub maja pytania o podstawowe funkcjonalnosci

120mr Zdecydowanie! Byłam pewna, że punkty, które usprawiedliwiają dotychczasowy brak komunikacji, informują, że teraz jest już zespół i kolejna zapowiedź ankiet to tylko sposób na rozpoczęcie wątku i zaproszenie do rozmowy.

JarekB The survey should be ready next week. I wanted also ask for feedback about weekly themes, as a core feature/backbone of tookapic. I will start a separate thread about it.

120mr Nice to hear it! And what about b-day question? This one from a week ago.

benbow Cześć, a ja chciałem się tylko przywitać z Wszystkimi :)

Tomasz Bojakowski Ja już chyba nie mam siły czekać 🙄. Od jakiegoś czasu nie wrzucam zdjęć, bo mam poczucie, że nie idziemy do przodu. Brakuje mi energii w Tookapic. Liczyłem na jakieś konkursy, wymianę doświadczeń, artykuły na temat sprzętu, dobrych praktyk w robieniu zdjęć .... żeby Tookapic zmienił się w miejsce, gdzie nie tylko wrzuca się zdjęcia, ale również szuka odpowiedzi ... może za dużo chcę?
Moja szczera fascynacja tym miejscem przerodziła się w zniecierpliwienie.

120mr Dobrze napisane.

tigg I have - for better or worse - just renewed my subscription. The date was in my diary and as it approached I thought long and hard about cancelling. I talked to my husband and son about it too, and they thought I should continue as it was something very much ‘for me’.
My photography has improved, I have made friends. I admire others work ….. and I suppose I am an optimist.
And I just could not break my streak … I used to love the longest streak table when it was available, I looked at journals of those above me with great interest. Even if my photography is middle of the road, I could strive on the “streak” aspect.

So, I’m still here.

craig Glad to see you are still here - I am hanging in by a thread hoping for improvements!