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Something beginning with ‘A’

It has got rather heavy in the talks recently, so here is something to lighten the mood and hopefully help me too!

I like to enter the village produce show every September in the one photo class they include. There are normally under 10 entries and the photos are judged ….. well, maybe rather differently to how a camera club judge would do it. ( and yes, I have won it before)

This year the brief is “Something beginning with ‘A’”. My entry for yesterday was my first attempt, "Asparagus" Anyone got any good ideas? Nothing too clever, fancy or subtle please!


monkas Apple, Avocado, Anise, Amaranth, Aloe :)

tigg My first thought was apple .... Think it could be a good subject? Thanks!

Sylwia Perkowska Artysta

tigg Artist ..... I like that idea. Thank you!

jazzie Sorry, had to lough when reading your task 'nothing too clever, fancy or subtle' 😂
Ant, anchor, antique, athmosphere. Hope these are not too clever!

tigg Love the idea of atmosphere ........ how would I do that?

jazzie Not too clever? Could refer to the atmosphere of a place (for instance that jazz club in Bern 😉 ) or an event. Or to the atmosphere of our planet. But then it's tricky!

tigg Definitely too clever

uglyphotos Astral, angel, aerobic, army, anger

tigg I like the idea of an angel!

tigg Interesting - is this something you do? I do not think I would have the chance to photograph that!

Mariusz Kuberczyk I used to train, long time ago ;)

Phillip Flores Australia!

Voytas Anarchy, access, army accessories, activity.

tigg Thank you everyone- I’ve found it really interesting to read the ideas. Some I’ll explore, other subjects would be completely lost in the context of the village show!
It does illustrate what a wide thinking and talented bunch of folk we tookapicers are!

120mr Architecture! So: arch and arcades.

tigg I am warming to arch .....

craig I guess I have to put Ardea cinerea (The latin name for Grey Heron)

tigg I guess you probably do! Trouble is I don't think we add the title to the photograph so your suggestion, to the man in the street, begins with H !!!!!

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tigg That’s a clever thought

Tiljans adore, abuse, absurd.... "a" talk

Natho Acting
Not so inspired after all

tigg I think they are inspired answers - but I’m not sure they would be appreciated in this forum! Might be different if the title was included with the entry.

zia Alight - fire (match or fire pit etc), or getting
off a train
Accordion 🪗
Advertisements, magazines billboards etc
:D there's a few in here which could be fun to explore

tigg Oh my - this is very impressive. Plenty to ponder here!