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Weekly theme

Minimal Still Life

May 17th - May 24th
158 photos from 77 users

A simple experiment connecting minimalism with still life photography. I won't explain much, just take a look at the examples below.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: ordinary day.
Day 143
it is not just a keyring
well, it couldn't be anything else today. #theme-minimal-still-life
Day 129
Day 100
Day 69
Day 510
Tower of Rock
Day 34
light bulb life
#34day #theme-minimal-still-life
Day 107
Day 1,723
Day 1,354
Black on black again... maybe I should be wearing them? #theme-minimal-still-life
Day 34
Prezent na poprawę humoru od ukochanej Sąsiadki
Day 77
Sommer kommer!
#theme-minimal-still-life, #nord-norge, #norge
Day 112
Co raz bardziej doceniam lampę błyskową w olympysie :) #theme-minimal-still-life
Day 1,727
Scythe or sickle
Day 1,728
Day 145
sea grass
Day 99
Day 19
Trzeci migdał/Third Almond
#theme-minimal-still-life Jakby tu powiedzieć, od trzech dni to samo🤣/ As you can say, it's been the same for three days
Day 1,440
Day 1,596
White Trillium.
First of the year to be fully bloomed. The Reds are coming along nicely and, pretty soon I should think, the Painteds will be out as w...
Day 851
Madonna And Child
Day 105
Day 1,135
Day 513
Day 1,729
Japanese secateurs #theme-minimal-still-life