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Weekly theme

Negative Space

June 13th - June 20th
136 photos from 58 users

Let's practice composition. This week's theme is Negatvie Space - the part of photo that surrounds your actual subject. Remember, too little negative space makes the photo cluttered.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: made by man.
Day 533
Day 1,250
moby dick i ja
czyli sam na sam ze sztuką #theme-negative-space
Day 518
Ozdoba stołu.
Day 1,607
Day 268
Podczas wieczornego spaceru...
Po pracy, gdy zrobiło się chłodniej, wybrałem się na pobliski plac budowy obwodnicy Grodziska Mazowieckiego. Mam z tego...
Day 1,379
Day 532
Day 534
Day 2,025
black and white
Day 902
Flag Flapping
Day 1,243
Lonely leaf
Day 1,242
Hale in the sky
Day 1,069
Day #1069
Scorching sun, tough day. Feeling a bit under the...dino ;-) #theme-negative-space
Day 165
Day 1,623
Day 2,360
Good lake swim #theme-negative-space
Day 1,964
Green #117
By the lake. #bydgoszcz #green #nature #bokeh #grass #theme-negative-space #negative-space
Day 532
Day 497
Rower i aparat = szczęście :)
Day 39
Wszystko stoi na głowie. Smutno. #theme-negative-space #sadness
Day 852
Day 521
Day 1,606
W cieniu lipy
Day 1,263